Hello! (imagine that being said in a very horse and scratchy voice.) I survived the crazy weekend of thrifting, eating, sight seeing and more eating. my cold only kept me down for part of yesterday. I guess I'll start with some of our adventures on Friday when we traveled all over Long Island in search of bargains.
Dita and I started our trip at 8:00 am and drove ALL THE WAY out to Selden which is about 60 miles from my house. Following
Vax Girl's list, we hit the Selden Thrift first. At this time I am wishing I would have taken pictures of what we got at each store but alas, I didn't do it that way. So instead, I'll tell the story and then share some pictures. Okay? okay . . .
ANYWAY, we hit the Selden Thrift first. I have to say, I was a bit surprised at the prices. A small bedside lamp with a slightly dirty fringed shade was $20! But did we let this stop us? No way! We pressed on and did end up with some good bargains. We then went to the Good Will also in Selden. Our finds were minimal there but I did get a rug for my dining room for only $40. It was new and from Target so I was okay with the price. I mean, you really can't buy a new 5' X 8' rug for $40. Then we got lost. Then we went to Applebee's and the Pottery Barn Outlet and then we got lost again. To make a LONG story short, we did find the St. Vincent De Paul thrift store in Bethpage (our favorite stop of the day) and also went to the Savers since I figured I wouldn't get too lost trying to get there.
Some of my finds - all from St. Vincent De Paul (the only store specific photos I managed to take):

coffee/tea pot - $3
melamine sunflower bowl - 50 cents
mini cocktail shaker - 50 cents - probably my favorite find of the day
mini pitcher/creamer - 25 cents

Winnie the Pooh/Disney mugs - 75 cents each - my sister admired these when we were in Disney this summer so they are to be gifted to her
embroidered napkins - 25 cents each - these are high on the favorite finds list, too
St. Vincent's was cheapy cheap and the lady was very friendly. I also picked up a hand made pink and black apron for Nina (she's the one with the pink kitchen) but forgot to photograph it before I gave it to her. It was 50 cents. What a steal! Dita got some goodies as well but again, no photos. I do hope she will take some pictures when she gets home today. Since we had been out for 12 hours on Friday, the picture taking was not so great. I hope to have more to share through out the week as I start to recover. :)
I do have one non-thrifting picture to share:

From our dinner at my house last night. It was the best thing we did all weekend. That's my sweet Louie in the red (he's a fan of "finger guns" in pictures oy), Dita in the black shirt, Nina in the green, Minda behind her and Mary and David on the right. The last three are Nina's fabulous family who were visiting the Big Apple for the first time from Chico, California. It was a great weekend for sure. Soon I hope to share more about about Minda, David and Mary. They have their own business where they make and install fancy pants custom window treatments. YES, they are proffessional crafters. Sigh . . . .
Wow, lots of babble today! I'll be back tomorrow after you've had time to process. Hope everyone had as fine a weekend as I did.
ciao - Rebecca
PS - don't forget to sign up for our craft supplies swap, the cut off date is this weekend! I have quite the pile started in my craft room . . .