Each year we make 2 to 3 crafts, have a lovely pot luck lunch and do a Greedy Santa gift exchange. It's a great way to get into the holiday spirit!
This year we made glittered cookie cutter ornaments designed by Heidi and fabric yo-yo trees designed by me.
We decorated in fun pastels and a good time was had by all. As a gift I made everyone fabric pin cushions to use for our sewing project.
I put the cushions into vintage tins and wrapped them in tissue.
This is the glittered bunny cookie cutter ornament I made.
All the glittered cookie cutters came out great! Thanks to Heidi for the idea and to Amy for the photo.
And these are the yo-yo trees. I plan to put up tutorials for both these and the pin cushions in the new year. The party was a great success and I am already looking forward to next year!
And because there aren't enough cute baby photos on this blog:
My too cute nephew on his Baptism. :)
Until the next . . .