Anyway, look at what I FOUND this weekend:
I found 6 books from this wonderful vintage set at $2 a book. For the thrift I thought that was a pretty good price and won't these make sweet gifts? You know, if I can bear to part with them of course.In addition to Heidi I also picked up Toby Tyler, Kim, Black Beauty, Swiss Family Robinson and Freckles. I love the covers and the end papers. All are in decent shape.
I also found "Magic Casements." It's a book of poetry but doesn't it look like something one might find in the restricted section at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
My best find was a 1944 copy of Alice in Wonderland which is one of my absolute favorite stories.
It's small and aren't the illustrations wonderful?? The March Hare is a definite favorite. Wouldn't he make a lovely icon for a designer line? Maybe Goodness needs to adopt the March Hare . . . now I'm babbling . . .
More lucky finds include 4 of the green hand towels on the left. They are that wonderful vintage style and in perfect condition as if never used. Also holiday napkins, some vintage French Revolution fabric and two red, white and blue tea towels with a wine goblet motif. It always amazes me what people will give away. :)
My mother thrifted these for me:
Lovely vintage trims still on the cards. Aren't the illustrations on the grey cards cute?
Problem is that these are very musty smelling. How should I wash them? I hate to think to take them off the cards (which I knows is just silly) but do you think a little soak and then an air dry will take out the musty smell? I think once they come off the cards I may just wind them onto spools or something. Thoughts?
Oh and this is post number 198 so I'm nearing the 200 mark! I'll be celebrating with a giveaway which MAY include one of these:
Ah yes, vintage nurse novels. Funny, no? I think that someone out there might like to read these. Though you're not getting your hands on Dude Ranch Nurse. ;) Seriously, I will be putting together a fun package this weekend and will draw a random winner from the comments on my upcoming 200th post which I think will come right before Halloween sometime. :)
Definitely hand wash the trim. I tried washing some ball fringe in a pillowcase in the washer and ended up with a giant glob of yuck.
Those nurse novels are making me laugh because a couple years ago I got a bunch and gave them to my niece for Christmas(she's a nurse). I have to look for the picture of them. I wonder if we got some of the same ones!
Here it is!
Gosh, so much going since my last visit! That Sweet and Sinister swap package is awesome -- how fun to see what you get each day. Love all the goodies in this post. Could you just soak the trim in something gentle (like the stuff that you can get at knit shops -- I forget the name? or Woolite? or something) dry it, and put it back on those neat cards? What a great find!
Loads of good stuff here! No definite advice on the trims... but I agree, maybe woolite, hand wash and air dry?
Hey - if I win your giveaway, can I call dibs on "Lake Resort Nurse"??? Sounds either very clinical or maybe a little naughty! Yowzah!
; )
This is just a thought, but what if you put the trims in a a big container with some bakeing soda in a tissue or something. My idea is that the baking soda might absorb some of the odor without having to unwind the cards. Another option might be Fabreeze. Maybe you could cover the cards with post its and then spray on the Febreeze?
LOL on those nurse novels!
I'm a total bookhound and love those classic's you found. I always get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I find things like that! And those cards with the old trim...Wow! those are really cool. I have no words of wisdom to get the musty smell out. Good luck to you!
Love those trims! I like Jane's idea about the baking soda. Maybe try the easiest methods first, before you have to unwind everything. Let us know what works!
I didn't know you like Alice--I LOVE Alice! I have my little collection set up on a shelf in Maren's room. :)
I am in awe of your thrifting abilities. You are hands down, the best there is. My favorites are the trims and the Heidi book. Great stuff Ms. Goodness
I buy fabric that sometimes has the musty smell and oftentimes a good long soak in oxyclean, a good rinse and airdry fix it right up. Haven't tried with trims though...
Hi ,really love what you did for the bridal shower, love the colour combination.
Ta, Adla
Word!!! on those trims!!! Yum! yum yum!!!
I got the musty smell out of old comic books by putting them in a bag with some unscented cat litter. I would think you could do that with the trims, cards and all.
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