That would be 12 dessert plates, 11 soup bowls and the creamer and sugar in the Mikasa Atlanta pattern I bought two weeks ago! I am on my way to a complete set. At this point I'm one soup bowl, 8 fingertip bowls and 4 cups and saucers short of a service for 12. I have spent around $45 total. I love that the sugar bowl is large and the creamer decorative.
Also, back in June I mentioned my search for Culver LTD bar ware and low and behold . . .
See it there on the left? An ice bucket and three rocks glasses. I would love to find one more glass to have a set of 4. I do have a large glass in this same pattern as well. Also netted on Saturday - United States puzzle still sealed (I had one as a child) for 99 cents, a holiday oven mitt with tags for $2 and a box of zippers for 99 cents. The paper mache wise man ornament and red berry candle ring were in a bag of junk I bought for $2. I picked it up because it had a wicker cornucopia in it and was pleasantly surprised to find these two goodies in there as well.
I'm off to Charm City tonight to start the preparations for my sister's bridal shower on Saturday. We have loads to do but I think I can convince my thrifty mom to make a thrifty stop at some point. Wish me luck!
cheers . . . Rebecca
Wow, lucky find on the china.
Have a fun shower!
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I have a feeling Saver's has a huge dead zone in back. I've bought lidless cannisters there and found the matching lids a year later. I think they take in stuff and part of it falls into a black hole where the time space continuum stops for a while.
WOW--Lucky you to find almost a complete set for a fraction of the price for a setting! I absolutely love the creamer and sugar bowl. I have a thing for those (who knows why, I've haven't had a tea party in 20 some..okay 30 some years ;).
Have a great time at the shower--take lots of pics!
Look at all your china...
Lucky girl!
God forbid, we should ever go thrifting together. We would set world records!!!!
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