1 - Sweet Repeats - girl, what would I do without you? We've been bloggy buddies from the very beginning and it's so nice to have made such a wonderful friend.
2 - The Polkadot Pixie - I LOVE Jenny's paper clay/mache sculptures. LOVE THEM. She was so kind to trade me some wonderful Santas for a set of cherry dishes. I'll be posting about them soon! Also, I am lucky that this sweet girl lives on a shelf in my craft room. :) Can't wait to add another piece to my growing collection. :)
3 - Monkey Box - Shara is nice and funny and a wonderful writer! If you haven't read the story about "the creepy guy" you simply must.
4 - Jungle Dream Pagoda - Lisa -Gabrielle has a wicked sense of fashion and a collection of vintage clothing to die for. She does a monthly post on vintage clothing and you can read September's post here.
5 - T-Cozy - Susan is a wonderful blogger, she takes you on a journey with every post. She is a gracious hostess and an inspiration. If you get a chance to travel to Connecticut you must visit T Party. YOU. MUST.
So rock on ladies, I look forward to reading each and every one of you for a long time. It was hard to choose just 5 so please take a moment and check out my friends on the side bar. I promise you an adventure in every one.
Now some thrifty finds from a trip out on Long Island with my good friend Joolz. (who's blog is sadly out of a date so I won't even link to it, JULIE.) Ahem.
The lemon lime pitcher is Pyrex. I've never seen this before, is anyone familiar with it? Are there other pieces? It's way cute. Another vintage frame, some yummy crochet cotton and a few more of the little lotus bowls I seem to all of a sudden collect. The "Wee Me" baby book looks vintage but is in really good shape so I think it's a reproduction. I adore the Asian inspired linens and aren't those tiny salt and pepper shakers the cutest?
On the day we thrifted the Christmas stuff was half price so after explaining to the lady that yes, just because the tree skirt doesn't SAY Christmas that it is indeed a CHRISTMAS TREE skirt she rang it up at $2.00. Of course then she had to call over the manager to ask about the cake plate which does say Christmas right on the box. I would have paid $5 for it but did get it for a rockin' $2.50. It's so cute and colorful.
I'm not sure if I'll get any thrifting in this weekend as Luis and I are on a mission to buy an entertainment center. Wish me luck as he and I have much different ideas of what passes as "nice" furniture
Nice furniture is what the entertainment center hides inside of - dangling preposition and all.
I have a Pyrex lemonade pitcher without a handle. Email me if you want to see a picture of it. I believe my piece once came with a lid. I also have one of your lotus blossom bowls. I think I picked it up after reading your blog, lol.
Oh, thank you Rebecca. I appreciate your nomination very much. I printed out the original comment you made on the "Creepy Guy" post. It was the nicest comment I ever had! Thanks for still remembering it. You rock too!
I forgot to mention that we have been shopping for an entertainment center for over a year and have found na-da. Not to discourage you or anything. DH says just pick one out. I say, I need room to display my tchotkes around it. And it should match the house, not a black glaring ugly thing. Ick. Good luck!
Thank you for the nomination!!!! I am SO LUCKY to have met you and really do cherish our friendship :) Rock on!! :)
I wish you could have gone with me on my antique show trip today; you'd have gone nutzo!
I didn't find any major things but it was fun to look at all the different types of offerings.
My friend Nancy found some lotus bowls our last time we went to the show and she made some cute orchid arangements with them. I would never of thought of that, but they are simple and sweet.
Thank you agan for the nomination!!!
I wish I could find lotus bowls at my thrift store! i think they're so cute! nice finds!
:) D
Oh,wow I can't believe I missedbeing honored!!! Thank you!!!! This morning I actually have some time veg on the computer( a rarity on the weekend). Love ,love ,love the new background! I had the urge to change my background too!
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