Thank you so much, I am very flattered. I do try to be as nice as I can everyday and think it's a good way to try to make the world a well . . nicer place to live. Thank you again!
And like Christy I had a hard time picking just 5 bloggers to pass this honor on to but here is my list:
Queenly Things - anyone who has ever received a package from Vallen knows just how nice she is. She also let's you beg her to swap with her just so she'll make you one of her signature crowns.
Beeutiful - Bee is half a world away and I can still feel her nice vibes from here. She would fly to your house and make felt cakes with you all weekend long if only her rock star life style didn't keep her so busy. ;)
Jenn Maruska - Jenn is nice to everyone. Okay except maybe Jodie Foster. (By the way Jenn, I'm with you!)
The Pink Kitchen - How could I not nominate Leigh Ann? She invited me to her home without having a clue whether I was an axe murderer or a wacko, fed me cake, took me to the thrift store and sent me home with a hand made apron. She rules.
The Felt Mouse - Jennifer throws the best parties and not only shows you all the pictures of the day but allows you to STEAL her ideas for favors and even sends you a link on where to buy the supplies. Now that is nice!
On a sad note, please take the time to visit Katie and give her your love. If we can't be there to hug her in person we can at least let her know we are thinking about her and her family.
Now more holiday crafting inspiration . . . this is one of my favorite knitting books ever:
Not only are the projects worth trying but the photos are lovely as well. One of these days I will make that hood and glove set on the cover!
There are several other patterns I'd love to try this year:
These leg warmers will be a lot of work which means I'll have to keep them for myself (selfish) because I love them (still selfish.) :) So they may wait until January as it's still wicked cold up here at that time of year.
More color knitting in this tree skirt. Again, I love the combo and this would take a lot of time. I am thinking I will use this pattern to fashion a less complicated tree skirt and use up some of that stash yarn I have lying around. There is also a pattern for a matching stocking in this motif.
And this fun bag will be great for gifts and again, using up that stash! And speaking of bags, this book has my favorite bag pattern which I have made twice. Did I think to take a picture of it? Um, no. But I will as I'm making another one as we speak. :)
So all in all, it's a great knitting book. I went over to Amazon to find a link so you could check it out for yourself but it looks like it is no longer being published and I only found one copy on EBay which I promptly bought to give as a gift. Hopefully more will show up for other interested knitters out there.
Have a good weekend, my friends. I'll be thrifting tomorrow with my friend Katie and hopefully working on something crafty.
Ha, the wierd photo angle make the legwarmers look gigantic near the bottom. LOL
You're welcome, for the Nice Matters Award. You deserve it!
I'd love to see the tree skirt when you're done.
Congratulations on your award! You definitely deserve it :)
I remember the day of legwarmers!! I had a purple pair that I loved!
The tree skirt is a beauty, can't wait to see it when you are done!
I will try to live up to this. You are so funny. You forget that I got a little something from that swap, too. Thank you nena.
Congratulations, well deserved!
I'm glad I'm a betting woman and went for nice over axe-murderer.
Miss you, girl. LA xo
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