I also obsess over purchases. And not just major purchases. I tend to worry that I shouldn't have bought something because I'll never use it regardless of price. I was doing this last week over this:
That would be 12 dinner plates, 4 finger tip bowls, 8 cups and saucers and 4 dessert plates. They are all the Mikasa "Atlanta" pattern except for the dessert plates. They are Mikasa "Sweet Briar" and go with the others surprisingly well. I like Mikasa china. I usually just buy it when I see it which fortunately for my pocket book isn't often. I love these two tea cups I found:
There is just something sweet about their patterns.
I also have a full service for twelve set of Mikasa china in the "Adrienne" pattern. It was my grandmother's. Her mother bought it for her when she, my great-grandmother Mary, worked as a seamstress at The May Company. So I don't NEED another set of china. And I've been feeling bad about buying it. Oh the cost you ask? $30. Well Sunday I was cleaning up and the china was stacked there waiting to be washed and I promised myself that I would use it! And I will! So I got out a plate stand and stacked it on there and put it right on the counter for easy access. :) So you see? I obsess.
I also obsess over swaps. GULP. Yeah. I'm doing a personal swap with LeeAnn that we organized back in July. At that time I said we should do a blue and tan color swap. Well I managed to forget that when I started putting together the swap! But LeeAnn is cool and said she didn't mind that I went with a white, blue, pink, yellow, red, orange and green swap. ;) Oh and her swap to me arrived TODAY. I haven't opened it yet. I'm trying to resist the urge at least until tonight. I know it will be wonderful, she is so talented and she sews and everything. I don't sew very well regardless of the proffessional seamstress great-grandmother and the grandmother who made all her clothes. I hope she'll like the few things I did make. :) Where is my swap to her? On my craft desk. Half done. Yeah, I thought we had an October 1st send out date. But again, LeeAnn is fabulous and said I could send it next week. Which I promise to make worth her while as I'm taking a pretty fabulous trip this weekend where I hope to snag her a treasure! More about that tomorrow. So swap angst. I have it bad.
What else do I obsess over? Making a lot of the same thing when I realize it's easy, fast and satisfying. Um, remember the crocheted cupcakes and ducks? Yeah. Out of control. So what did I make AGAIN recently? Another heart.
The ribbon isn't wide enough but I still like it. I honestly had big plans to give these as gifts but I'm hoarding them all to myself. I have three now.
And obviously three is just not enough. ;)
Tomorrow I'll tell you about that upcoming trip and probably obsess a bit more over my swap with LeeAnn. But that's just what I do and I'm okay with that. Sort of. :)
I have an ungodly amount of china also. One set for Thanksgiving, one for Christmas, one for Easter...LOL.
Out of control? Ha! If you peek in my closet you'll see at least 50 dishcloths remaining from the Dishcoth Frenzy of '06. Keywod being 'remaining'. I've already given away at least 35 or 30. Oh yeah, and I have enough cotton for 50 more. Just got some on Monday.
But that china is beautful and I like that the desert plates are different.
Hello~ I was out blogging and found yours~ It's very cute!
I went through a little bowl phase years ago.
Now it seems to be baskets.
We all have our Achilles heel!
It is simply not reasonable to expect a woman to only have ONE set of china. Seriously.
Dearie, I own three full sets of china -- and one set is service for twenty or more. I lose count... there is just so much of it! I have the set I registered for when I got married (Mikasa Solitude), and I have my mom's full set of plain white Lenox.
I have three or four complete sets of stemware too. My registered set was Mikasa Olympus, plus a boatload of sliver rimmed (to go with the mega set of china), some of that heavy gold rimmed stuff, and another complete crystal set.
All this finery drives The Big Guy crazy... and my guess is that the concept of having so much of it is lost on Luis too.
Let's not talk about sliver/plate service pieces and flatware...
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