So what does a thrifter do when there is no thrifting to be found? Why go to the dollar store of course.
I am lovin' those cute melamine covered dishes. And yes, they had other things like serving bowls and smaller bowls. I didn't notice any plates but they could have been there, too. All yours for a measly dollar a piece. I looked at them and thought "I would buy these for a dollar a piece if I found them at the thrift." Wouldn't you? Why aren't we doing a cherry swap? Or a red and white swap? I could totally fill a bowl with goodies for another blogger. Is that ringing anyone's bell? Does anyone HAVE to have one of these totally cute dishes??? As my 10 year old niece says, "Holler at me!"
And now about the shoes. I love these mesh slippers. I have been wearing them for the 5 years I've lived in New York City. I started out buying them at Pearl River Mart in China Town for around $3 a pair. Once I moved out of Alphabet City I didn't get down there often and started buying them from various street vendors and souvenir shops in Midtown for $4 - $5 a pair. So imagine my delight when I popped in the dollar store yesterday and saw a HUGE box of my favorite summer shoes! So what did I do? What any self respecting thrifty bargain hunter should do, I bought 5 pairs. :)
I now am stocked up! I have 3 pairs of black and two pairs of white to go with the pairs I already had from from stocking up at the end of last year last year (2 brown, one cream, one pink and one red). They have foam soles and the white pair in the second picture are a bit different and I'll have to see if they pass the test. But if not, hey, they were only a dollar right?
Have a fabulous weekend my friends. Thank you all for the wonderful book suggestions from yesterdays post! I've already ordered a few new ones from Amazon and will report on those next week.
When not thrifting, my fall-backs are most certainly the dollar store (Marche Dollar) and Big Lots (Lotto Grande).
As for the traffic, I always used the service road to try to avoid being stopped on the world's longest parking lot... but then maybe you won't be on the LIE!
The cherri bowls are too cute. Hmmm... you could use them for a PICNIC.
Forget the picnic. Send that bowl directly to me, me, me! (insert evil laugh here.)
Ooh, I know who needs one of those bowls! (besides me, I mean! LOL) Jane the teacher (from the crayons blog) has a kitchen done with red gingham and cherries!
Two weeks without thrifting? How have you survived? LOL
Those bowls are soooo cute!! What dollar store did you find them at ?
My kitchen is done in Mary Engelbreits's cherry print :)))
drooling on her keyboard
Great stuff!! You've gotta love the Dollar Store!
Love your blog, too!
I adore those bowls!
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the bowls!!! Oh my goodness! I have a cherry/fruit theme in my kitchen!!! I have never seen anything that cute in our local dollar store! LUCKY you!!!!!!
Hmmm, nice bowls, BUT I have to wonder the true cost of those cherry bowls you got for a dollar.
By that I mean what is the social and ethical price to be paid in buying goods that are so cheap from places like China, the far east and other poor or developing countries? If those bowls or those shoes you bought only cost a few dollars, how much do you think the people who made them in (probably some sweat shop) got for their labour? A few cents an hour usually. Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain as much as anybody else, but I think we all have a responsibility as consumers in the west (I'm in Ireland) to educate ourselves a bit more about the exploitation of the most vulnerable people in poor countries just so that we can have cheap consumer items. There's plenty of info. out there (any of Naomi Kliens books are a good place to start) or on the 'net so that we can make more ethical choices when we shop, so that ALL workers can earn a fair working wage and decent working conditions. Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now! I'm sorry if this comes across as a personal attack on you, that wasn't my intention at all,in fact I have your blog on my feeds and love reading about your thrift shop finds ;). I just want to try and raise a little more awareness of this important issue. Thank's. Sorry for such a long comment!
I'm glad you finally found your slippers. I got a pair at Urban Outfitters a few years ago, paid $10, but I'm not more money went ot the Chinese laborers, only to the marketers and stockholders of Urban Outfitters. I love a deal and shop at dollar stores occasaionally too, but I agree with christina above. And I especially care about workers in China since my daughter will come from there and her relatives could be those workers. Still, cute bowls.
IM having the same thrifting withdrawls myself!!!!!! Great stuff!
I went thrifting today and saw signs for a big 'ole 50% off sale on the 4th. I am planning on going first thing when they open because there are some sheets that I want. Now, in the meantime, I need to go through my stuff and make a good old donation to the thrift gods to ensure my thrifty luck on the 4th!
If you are in LA you must go to the Granddaddy of all $ stores 99 Cents Only! I am constantly amazed by the great stuff I get there. That's why I actually call it the $20 store!
We have the $2 shop here which has some good stuff. The cherry dish is very sweet! I like that they have the lids.
I wish I could wear backless slippers :( they are bad for my feet.
I am trying to refrain from the thrift-urge right now,and doing pretty well! Those bowls are certainly fab,from the dollar store(a different shopping urge)!
Wow those bowls are as cute as the fancy schmancy ones you posted a few days ago.
Christina, I think you made your point nicely and not in a mean way at all. I think most of us prefer thrift shops and crafting projects, but in a pinch the dollar store does come in handy...
Thank you VaxGirl ;)
Christina - I did not feel like it was a personal attack at all and of course appreciate all opinions. I truly understand the issues you brought up. The dollar store where I shop is not a chain and they buy "lots" from other stores that cannot sell them. Which is why that same day I also bought 2 boxes of Nature Valley granola bars for $1. The items I spoke of did come from China. If you've ever been to China town in New York City (where I live) then you will know that these items plus many more are readily available. I hope that I did not offend you, I just wanted to buy some slippers. :(
I need me some bowls. I also need Miss A some slippers. She's seen them on other five year old fashion divas and wants a pair. Where do I need to go?
Good times at Savers?
LA xo
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