Vintage Gold Picture Frames
Currently, I only have two . . . .
The 8 x 10 photo is of Luis' mother. The frame belonged to my Grandma. The smaller 4 x 6 frame was found on a trip to the Salvation Army with Leigh Ann for only 99 cents. I love the mother of pearl inlay and fancy corners:
I know I can get these on EBay. The prices are often good but I just want to find them. Know what I mean? Of course you do.
I recently found this ice bucket . . .
I'm a sucker for the gold, I'll admit it. All Culver pieces are signed:
I also have a glass that is gold with green. I would love to find more pieces. I happen to have these 4 Christmas glasses (found at the only rummage sale I've ever been to) which may be Culver but I'll have to check when I unpack them for the holidays. This is also readily available on EBay and I may consider purchasing some but it would still be nice to come across mismatched pieces in my travels.
So what are you looking for? Any specific items? Name brands? Why am I asking? I have an idea, you see, for a public forum to exchange thrifted goods. I need to work out the details and whether it would be better to make it a blog where anyone can join and post about the "missing pieces" they are looking for or perhaps a Yahoo Group the way Freecycle is run. This will not be about making money or selling things. This will be about thrifters helping other thrifters fulfill their collections and I would like it to work on the barter system. As in "Hey Rebecca, I have a Culver glass. Would you like to trade me for that Limoges ashtray you posted on about on your blog?" You know, stuff like that.
I really need to think about the details and your opinions mean a lot to me.Please drop me a line if you have any thoughts on something like this. I'm not sure if it will work but I guess it's worth a try. Holler at me!
Ooh, interesting idea. I get off on tangents. I love vintage woodcuts, especially Hawaiian ones like Dietrich Varez. I love vintage California pottery. I know, I know, but you said dream stuff, right? Vintage aprons, patterns, fabric, weird neckties (I sew with them). Gosh, my wants are a bottomless pit really.
Right now I get turned on by silhouettes and cut paper art. I also love tin and vintage Mexican stuff. Also old religious things catch my eye and buttons. There are lots of things, like Barb, some of it is out of my price range and the list is very long.
Hmmm... a triple crown for me would be whenever you find shirt, slacks and shoes that match.
Or three matching peices of silverplate.
Or a tea cup, saucer and dessert plate that match.
Good things do come in three!
I am currently on the look out for Pippa Mouse books. I LOVED these little beginning chapter books when I was a little beginning reader and would love to add them to my collection. They are by Cindy Sczeaza (sp?) Anyway, they have these adorable illustrations where Pippa uses say an acorn top as a saucer or a leaf for an apron. They totally inspired my thrifty crafty dollhouse I had as a kid.
I look for vintage fabrics, vintage sheets with cute prints or embroidery and vintage patterns. I also really like things with cherries, if they strike me.
On the nerdier side: I also look for Life Magazines, National Geographics and old books dealing with the space program 1950s (or earlier if I'm lucky) through 1970s. I collect period space literature and memorabilia.
Where to begin... sometimes I don't know until I see it :)
It is a fabulous day if I find within my budget:
- Vintage or new sewing/quilting items. Would DIE if I ever found an old quilt
- Bag handles I can re-use
- vintage hatboxes and other small cases
- Tins but depends on the design
- Fabrics/embroidered items
- Interesting Buttons
- 'tea' related items
- Wade Whimseys esp. nursery rhyme ones
- Some Art Deco items
- frames to re-use
and much much more :)
I'm not really collecting anything specific right now, though I often find lots of good things. We must have good thrift stores here in chicago. But it would be cool to browse a site and see what I could exchange this vintage Christmas wrapping paper I just got for. Still mostly I"d rather have someone buy it, because with our current financial situation, I need money more than I need more stuff!
I really like your idea of a blog or forum for vintage/thrifty bartering. I'm sure it could really work. I picked up my freecycle cigar boxes and they are really neat. I can definitely see some neat projects to with them in the not so distant future.
As for what I thrift for lately...I still look for household decorating items, I don't have alot of wall items still for any of the rooms. Besides that, I look for craft supplies, fabric, other treasures to use in collages, boys size 8 clothes, name brand pocketbooks, cool platters (i love platters of any sort), quilts (although I have only 2), pretty plates (great to recycle as gifts with holiday cookies or other treats throughout the year), magazines I haven't read yet that are of the crafty or decorative nature, or that would be good to cut up and use....heck, my list is pretty long huh? I don't really collect much or at least I haven't started a collection of anything again. I guess the bottom line, I look for bargains! Makes me unique, huh?? LOL
Hmmmm... to limit it to three....
*Tacky Chalkware Fish wallhangings (like they used to decorate bathrooms!!)
*Sweater Clips (to hold those cardigans on your shoulders!)
*VERA (Neumann, NOT BRADLEY!)textiles or dishes (I'm still dreaming of a tablecloth!)
*Older Royal Haeger Pottery
...Okay, so that's four! Told you I would have a hard time limiting it to Three!!
I think this is an excellent idea. In fact sometimes when I go thrifting I see things that so-and-so might love. Like I always come across the neatest Pyrex designs. But they are not for me. I can find tea cups galore too. But again not for me.
Sveltestuff, I think that I just picked up a sweet little sweater clip with the ten commandments on charms.
I am currently collecting vintage baby dresses, bonnets and shoes (I am decorating my babies room with these). Also, vintage childrens books with garden themed pictures (again for the baby's room).
I am also really interested in vintage tea towels and other linens...I wonder wear my great granny's aprons are?
Leanne- I'm intrigued!! I don't have one like that!! If you are interested, I will dig through my vintage linen/apron stash and see what you might be interested in swapping!! Drop me a note/photo at svelte at adelphia dot com THANKS!!
Sveltestuff, I will get that picture to you within the weekend. I am interested in table clothes with flowers or fruit interesting aprons (red pops into my head). We can talk more when I email you!
I think that this idea just might work, thanks for setting it up for us, Thrifty Goodness!
This could be fuuuuuunnnn. I know some bloggers that would be fun to have on board with this. Lucy would know most of the ones I connect too.
Le anne - BIG OOPS on my part!! I just noticed that I wrote out "dot com"... it should be "dot net". I'm SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering why I didn't hear from you. I will re-send my email. Looking forward to your thoughts on the clip! Have a great Monday!
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