The rain caused the paper bags to burst open scattering my donations across the side walk which resulted in some cursing and foot stomping. I gathered everything up into a big garbage bag and cried all the way to the car. I was soaked! I walked halfway back to the house determined it would be a bad day but changed my mind and went back to the car. So much drama! What did I find??
A bit of fabric (the striped one is Waverly), some ribbon and a large roll of pretty peach seam binding. I love finding these for some reason.
More crafty finds including many sets of knitting needles at a dollar a piece (score!), some other knitting accessories, a bag of white buttons, some thread on wooden spools (I need the spools for a project), embroidery floss and some aida cloth.
I inherited my Granny's Fransician Ware dishes and was excited to find this butter dish and salt and pepper shakers.
And my favorite finds are these aprons. I LOVE the patterns! Especially that green one there on the right. And see that one in the middle? I found two of those. All are handmade and adorable and in great shape! At the top you can see the edge of the Simply Shabby Chic runner I snagged for $1.50.
So yes, I'm glad I went. And now the thrifting bug is back and I can't wait to go again!
Cheers ~ Rebecca
How AWESOME, not the rain and ripped bag part... Love the apron in the middle yellow with green rick rack, be still my heart...
Aren't you glad you went after all? I love the fabrics you found. What do you have planned for the wooden spools? I grabbed a whole bunch from my Gram's house but don't have a plan for them yet.
Love it when the cosmos propel us to good things.
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