Friday, April 04, 2008

Give it Away . . .

Happy Friday, friends! It's dreary here, blech, but I'm hoping to blow you a little sunshine your way with a little give away. My two year blogoversary is on April 17th and what better way to celebrate than with a little Thrifty Goodness, eh?

So here it is:

Many thrifty finds from the clearance section at Michaels, all from Martha Stewart crafts. Including:

Pink & Brown Specimen Box
Dimensional Rose Stickers
Set of Four Indigo Archival Pens
Set of Eight Silver Wood Grain Note Cards
Two Different Sets of Photo Mats

I wish I had a better picture for you but I think many of you are familiar with this stuff so there you go. So happy birthday, little blog! Please leave a comment here before April 17th for a chance to win. I might be inclined to toss some other goodies in as well.


So my friends, as I have no craft endeavors to share (the monkey is no different) so instead I'll leave you with this:

Let's just say that we sat so close last night that the secret might be out about me and my secret BF. ;) Seriously, we were on the glass and boy is hockey even more exciting like that. DH and I had a blast and I love that we have our love of sports in common. I took that photo above, and many others, with my Digital Elph. The Rangers clinched a spot in the playoffs last night by showin' those Islanders who's boss. Keep it up, boys!

Have a fab weekend!

cheers ~ rebecca


Sarah and Jack said...

I have only been to one hockey game, and my seats were in a similar place. It was way too scary for me, those people in the crowd were shouting for blood. LOL

Katie Jean said...

ok, you know if there's Martha involved, I'm there. ;)

Go Rangers!! Lucky you for being so up close!

Thimbleanna said...

Haha -- when I see the words "specimen box" all I can think of is the kind of "specimen" you leave at the DR. Wouldn't it be nice if those cups at the Dr. looked as nice as those pink and brown boxes LOL???

LA said...

What is better than the shared love of sports? I say nothing!

Your seats sound and look like rockstart seats!

Happy weekend, LA

Jodi Ohl said...

Hockey games are a blast in person!! That's great of Luis to take you to see your secret;)

Wow--two year blogoversary??? Congratulations on all the Thrifty Goodness you keep rolling out to us! Please enter my name into your drawing!

Jenn Maruska said...

Wow - you had some close seats there!

You are so good to us, spoiling us with such fantastic goodies!!!

Count me in, please! : )

Froggie said...

Happy early blogoversary!! I found your blog recently and love seeing all your goodies! Oh, love the Martha goodies, as well!


Heather said...

I haven't been to a hockey game in YEARS. I grew up in Maine watching the Maine much fun when I was little.
Happy Blogiversary!

Jane said...

I miss East Coast Hockey! (Must confess to being a Devils Fan. Hope that doesn't keep me out of the drawing!)

Mama Said Sew said...

Congrats on the blogiversary Rebecca!

Thimbleanna's comment cracked me up. I'll never look at a "specimen box" the same way again. :)

Pearl Maple said...

Congrats on the blogoversary that is a wonderful collection in your giveaway.

Oh dosn't this east coast girl miss a good hockey game, I can't even get it on TV out here. Nothing beats watching it up close though to really appreciate their skills.

Saw you have signed up for Genevieve's swap, really excited about the theme.

Kai said...
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Anonymous said...

Congratulations for anniversary :) I never have been watching ice hockey even it is one of popular sports here in Finland.

Lisa said...

Happy blogiversary!! I don't have a Michael's around but if Martha did it, it's got to be good! Count me in!!

Andy said...

Congrats on your anniversary.

Yvonne said...

Beautiful blog ... fun finds ... happy blogoversary!

Shara said...

Boy, my DH would be one happy guy if I loved sports. Or even liked them for that matter. You are lucky you share an interest.

Happy Blogiversary!

Feather Gold said...

Happy two year anniversary! What a milestone, cause we know to maintain a blog takes commitment that we all know I don't have :-)

Great to see you on Saturday for a brief hour, cause we also know that to hang out over drinks for an hour is way too short!

See you in half hour :-)


Mom IsAmagpie said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! Glad you had such awesome seats at the game!

Funky Finds said...

Happy blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog. Jessica

Darla said...

I wandered over from Vallen's place. I love a good thrift giveaway so can't resist throwing in my hat.

The red hobnail lamp is great! Looks like you know your thrifting business.


wayfarer said...

love hockey! Colorado avalanche fan though since that is where i'm from. :-)

Love Martha Stewart but have to try out her crafts. michael's is so far from me! Consider me entered. :-) And happy bloginanniversary!

Elizabeth said...

Love your blog !!!
Happy Anniversary !
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

marilyn said...


For many years, my husband owned season tickets to the NY Rangers, and we spent many nights at MSG. Had to give them up when the cost became prohibitive. Now that we live in R.I. (though my heart's forever in N.J.), it's not an issue, though we're still Rangers (& Yankees & Giants fans!), even here in the heart of Bruins country. Love your blog. Thanks for keeping it so fresh and fun.

Warm regards,
Lincoln, R.I.

Jules said...

Happy Anniversary! So sweet to send gifts out! Loving your blog and jealous of your amazing finds. I was out of town and found a shopping center with NINE different thrift shops. Paradise!

Julie said...

Happy Bloggiversary!!! I hit the one-year mark tomorrow!

Megan said...

Happy Blogiversary! :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!I love your blog.As a fellow thrifter I love your finds.Count me in.

Debbi said...

Just found your blog and I'm hooked..Happy Anniversary

misskp said...

Happy Blogiversary! (I'd sing out loud, but it would ruin your day. And probably mine,too!) Two years...what an accomplishment. Your finds are wonderful and I love to read about your adventures!

ThriftyMum said...

Hey - I only just found your blog, looking as I was for some crafting inspiration, and having only just started my own! I'm impressed you've kept it up for two years, and fully appreciate your efforts to combine crafting with thrift! Keep it up...


windycindy said...

Happy two-year anniversary to you and your blog. I wish you many more great years of blogging! You are sponsoring a delightful giveaway drawing. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks very much.....Cindi

sherri s. said...

Delurking!! I'm a thrift girl too, though these days I seem to have the best luck at estate sales (I like to dig in the jumbled-up boxes under the tables!). Thanks for your giveaway. I enjoy your blog.

Rory said...

Found you through SeeKatieSew....jealous you got to meet a blog friend! If I am eligible, I'd love to be entered! I don't watch hockey (Not much ice in Arkansas) but I love baseball....Red Sox fan.

Suzy ~ lorenzstudio said...

Happy Blogaversary!
I just love all those Martha goodies you have pictured!

Anonymous said...

Happy two year Blogoversary


frugallm said...

Please enter me!

Katy said...

What great craft items!!!! =)
I would love to win!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!! :)

raych said...

We used to buy the cheapest seats, and then keep an eye on pairs of seats throughout the arena. If they weren't taken by the middle of the 2nd period, they were ours. Cheap, exciting hockey!

Also, count me in for your awesome giveaway.

michelle michael said...

happy blogiversary!! thanks for the chance at a giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me and thank you for such a generous and fun giveaway! My email is if I should be so lucky as to win!

l.m. glam said...

I am so all about thrift! I want, I want, I need, I need.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Happy birthblog! I love the giveaway, it's cute and a delightful distraction.

Oh.. as for hockey... don't hate an Avs fan! :)

Bunny B said...
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