Back in November we had our First Annual Christmas Craft Tea. We are hoping to do a new project each year and make it a tradition. Our project this year were banners. A fun little project that is easy to personalize.
1 - Red & Green Peace
2 - Pink, Red & Silver Peace
3 - Blue & Silver Joy
4 - Blue & Silver Noel
5 - Red, Green & Silver Joy
6 - Red & Green Noel
Pink, Black & White XMas Rox
All different, no? :) It was an easy project. We cut out large tags on the Sizzix to use as the base. We decorated the tags with paper, embellishments, crepe paper pinwheels, rosettes and glittered chipboard letters and then strung them on ribbon. You need to tie a knot at the top of each tag to make it stay.
Can you guess which one is mine? First person to leave a comment with the correct guess will get a little treat in the mail from me. :) **UPDATED - we have a winner!! Diane from Little Birdie was the first to guess that mine is the blue and silver Noel!**
Off to continue my crafty Christmas!
Is yours xmas rocks?
I'm new to your blog, but enjoying it.
I'm guessing here as I'm not up on your style as of yet, but I'd guess JOY is yours.
Oh darn this is hard!
I am torn between the blue and silver noel with the pinwheels and the green and red joy with the pinwheels.
I'm going to say the Joy ones are yours because I know you like red and have a lot of it your house...not that I've been'm just guessing ;)
Pink peace! But I love them all.
The one with pinwheels?
I love them all. Did you all cut out the tags? I love the shape.
Blue and silver Noel? Oh, they're all perfectly festive!
Very cute Rebecca! By now you certainly have a winner, but I'd guess the blue and silver noel.
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