What do you think, embroidered eyes? Black? I was intending it as a child's toy which leaves out buttons. Or no eyes at all?
He has a squiggly tail, too.
By the way, he was supposed to be a teddy bear until my husband said "you made a pig." Um yes. Yes I did.
I say eyes, embroidered. He's a real cutie! At first I thought it was a TP cover, which got me all excited,lol.
I like embroidered too. He is cute and I love his tail!!
Embroidery eyes.
Luis cracks me up.
Hi Rebecca!
I love your piggy... I think he might need some embroidered eyes...
...but leave that tail as is, 'cos it's PERFECT!!! : )
too darling!!
eyes yes embroidered yes
thread colour black, white, blue
love your stuff
He's adorable... eyes or no eyes LOL!! You make such cute things! I do
agree with post above that it would make a very nice toilet paper cover also!!!
Thanks for sharing :)
I'm back!!! and much to my delight have come for a visit and found a delightful little piggy. He really needs eyes though. He really should be able to see and enjoy all that is around him.
Little round black embroidered eyes...and little round snooty holes on his snout! He's adorable! (I'd never have guessed he was a reincarnated bear, LOL!)
yes, embroidered eyes or firmly sewn on felt ones? Love his tail.
Haha! Now did the tail come before or after your husband declared its species?!
Definitely embroidered eyes.
I love his squiggly tail!
Love the little piggy!!! I think small black buttons for eyes and embroidery for the snout.
Ditto all above!
omg, how adorable! And by accident! Definitely embroidered eyes. The tail is my favorite.
Aww--a cute little pink piggy with a squiggly tail :-) Embroidered eyes--or stitched on felt??
Smiles, Karen
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