Yes I am a few days late. That seems to be how I roll these days. But one of my (many) New Year's Resolutions is to be more organized and thus, blog more with all my extra time. Ahem.
ANYway, my DH gifted me with an iPad mini and a cord to attach my camera to it so I can blog on the go. Let's give it a shot, shall we? Here's a quick "pinned it and did it" snippet:
Hmm okay so maybe I don't know how to put the photo in the right spot using the Blogger app yet. Let's carry on. I saved a few paper egg cartons for some small tree ornaments (as seen on Pinterest) and it worked like a charm. Hopefully you can see the photo.
Here's to a safe and prosperous New Year for us all.
Ciao ~ Rebecca
Pretty smart idea! No one likes the new changes to blogger, you can't delete old blogs (I have people on my list that haven't blogged in years), it is harder to add backgrounds and make changes.
However, I don't want to go through the mess of changing my entire blog, so I deal with it. Can't wait to see how you organize!
Great idea for the egg cartons!
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