Friday, November 20, 2009

. . . and then they crafted.

Hello! I know, I've been absent for so long, not only from writing but from reading as well. The plus to working from home is that I get so much more done during the day than I did when I worked in the office. However, I also spent my lunch breaks and other, ahem, breaks, perusing blogs. Not only do I miss my friends (both old and new yet to be found) but also the daily inspiration! So I'm trying to get up early each day and hope that those extra hours will help me fit in some extra blog reading and I guess, cleaning. Sigh.

So we held our newly annual Christmas Crafting Tea last weekend. What a blast! I think we have a solid group of crafters now made up of both family and friends. Mom and I had a great time decorating. Luckily her Christmas stuff is in her hall closet (unlike mine that is buried out in the garage) so we pulled out a tote and hoped for the best.

I was so happy with the look especially the snow flakes on the chairs:

And the Martha Stewart gingerbread house boxes that I got after Christmas last year at Macy's for $2 each!

We had a wide variety of food:


and crafting supplies:

Everyone brought a delicious dish to share and the smell of hot apple cider and the sound of holiday tunes really made for a festive atmosphere. Mom made it extra special by making up a holiday crafting aprin for everyone and fun monogram pins.

So what did we make?

Chenille baskets:

Wish boxes (an idea I took from my dear friend Ms. Sid!):

and paper treat cones which of course I forgot to take any pictures of and they are still at my Mom's place since I came home on the train. I'll share more pictures as I get them.

So needless to say our day was fun, festive and extremely crafty!

Thank you, girls, for helping us kick off the holiday season in high fashion!



Mutz said...

Looks like you had a really fun time!

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like a wonderful day Rebecca! Your table looks beautiful and I love that little wish box!

jungle dream pagoda said...

How fun to have an event devoted to crafting!!! Yes love the wish boxes!
I thought of you just last Tuesday. I wore the long black glass beads you sent me ...remember them? The girls and I went to the American Girl doll Bistro....and i need a fancy blk necklace!
I had a hectic and a little sad 09 ...but the last part these past couple of months have been dandy!!
Hope all is well,so good to hear from you!

jungle dream pagoda said...

Thats "needed",tee hee,when will I learn to preview!

Anonymous said...

An insightfull post on "Thrifty Goodness". And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using

John- Working Moms make more


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