When I lived with Kate we shared a merry old life. We both had jobs we cared little for but that paid that bills. Kate worked a few nights in the corner bar where we met and every Wednesday could be counted on for cheap beer and pool among friends.
We dubbed our apartment Disgraceland and had an annual Christmas Party that was legendary and Kate still carries on today. We had a rooftop deck and central air. Pure bliss in the hot Baltimore summers. We bought a used Super Nintendo off of EBay and soon established "Sunday Con Queso" which consisted of pizza, gin and tonics and hours of Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers. We lived it up like 12 year old boys.
We had loads of boyfriends and fell in and out of love on a daily basis. We soothed each others broken hearts with dancing and wailing love songs at the top of our lungs. We made dinner together and hung out in each others rooms "just because." We had inside jokes that no one ever got and probably still doesn't to this day. We danced around the kitchen wearing pot lids as hats. I can't say enough about all the fun that was had there.
I moved into my own apartment after two years when my Dad offered me a deal I couldn't turn down on a place of my own. It was odd, at first, living alone when I never had before in my life. Kate was a frequent visitor and I still remember the first night I was moved in, she came over and we made lasagna roll ups, drank beer out of a can and called the radio station to request our favorite songs. She even gave me her old couches. After a year I dropped a bomb and moved to New York City. I've been homesick ever since but my life is good here. I got a job right away working for the company I still work for today and was lucky enough to be seated across from Luis, the man who became my husband.
But I still miss home, and Kate. Last night Luis came him with the new Nintendo Wii. He brought me a Mario Brothers game and when the music came on I thought of Kate and our quaint two bedroom apartment on Lombard Street with the cracked walls and the noisy downstairs neighbors and got weepy. I also had the strangest craving for a gin and tonic. :)

Miss you buddy!
I won't be posting again until Monday so have a wonderful weekend and dream fondly of friends and home.
What a great story about friends!! Gosh - I usually spent my time thinking of ways to get more time away from my roommates...
Great memory, and glad to hear the Nintendo love can be rekindled - it's on like Donkey Kong!
That was a wonderful tribute to a friend!! It reminds me so much of my friend who I was roomies with way back when!! Thanks for the reminder of those day.....sigh.. And cheers to the new nintendo!!!
Awww Rebecca, I got a little weepy eye with your reminiscing about your friendship with dear Kate! Reminds me of my former best friend...we moved intogether the month before we graduated from high school...just for the summer, then "broke up" while I went to college in white plains, moved back in when I moved home and moved from place to place until she upped and got married on me..lol..fun times, crazy times, lots of hairbrush singing, boys the broke our hearts and a few that we broke theirs and many laughs along the way. Thanks for the memories and sharing yours...
I had a similar relationship with my two roomies in NJ. What a great story. It brought back a lot of memories for me!
I actually clicked on your link my accident, and so glad I did. You're so lucky to have such a wonderful friend and great memories.
Wow--I just got so weepy and nostalgic for the good old days. We lived a perfect, simple, happy little life. Those truly were the days.
Damn. I shoulda married you. I hope Luis knows how lucky he is. And I still can't believe you got a Wii.
Oh for the good old days!! We made black russians instead of gin and tonics but the rest all sounds pretty close!!!
I loved reading your post! I just went to Seattle to see my best friend and it was hard to leave knowing it'll be at least 6 months before I can fly out there again.
Thanks so much for visting my blog amd for your sweet birthday wishes. Have a GREAT weekend((((hugs)))))-Jenny
You wild child you! heh heh! There is just something so wonderful about a honost to goodness true blue friend you know!!
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Great memory...I love that you called your apartment Disgraceland!
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