Behold my Sarah Tree:

Sarah shipped this all the way from Missouri in the biggest Fed Ex box you ever saw! Don't you just LOVE IT! My measly decorations don't do it justice but I promise you, it will be more appropriately decked in the months to come. THANK YOU SARAH! I can't say that enough.
I will point out one lovely decoration:

This is what I traded my Peep rosette for with Miz Smoochie Lips herself! Isn't it darling??
And on Friday I posted my lovely pin cushion swap items from Ms. A. Well, one of the pincushions was a small bag shaped one and silly me, I thought that WAS the pin cushion and then I noticed that it was kind of lumpy and I wondered what in the world she stuffed it with and low and behold:

There were babies in there! How cute! They sort of remind me of the original Wee. I couldn't bring myself to put pins in them (well not yet at least) so I added them to my inspiration board:

Perhaps you see something up there from you! (sorry for the awful glare.)
Sooooo what did I do this weekend? I felt productive. I got my sewing machine back, made up the Easter baskets for the niece and nephew, thrifted, whipped up a few things for the soon-to-come Etsy shop and made a crappily sewn curtain. It's a start. The "what I didn't get done" list is much much longer since I decided to spend 4 hours working mindlessly on my afghan and getting caught up on my Tivoed programs. The afghan is growing and I had to go online and order 15 more skeins of yarn (how daunting is that!) but I'm loving it. :) I love how I ordered more yarn yet have tons coming out the wazoo. Maybe I'll have a yarn blow out sale once I fire up that Etsy store. I certainly can't seem to knit anything these days. GRR.
That Sarah is one generous lady! Love all your mail goodies.
Speaking of which, if you'd like to organize a personal swap, just let me know a theme : )
Wooohoo, thank you FedEx for it arriving in one piece!
Lucky you!! That was very very thoughtful of Sarah, bloggy friends are the one of the most generous around. Yeah for "Friends in Blog places" of my last post, too. :)
Good for you on the productive weekend!! I wish I could say the same as far as the craft endeavors go. My big ole yard is mowed so that's a big to=do off my list. Can't wait to see the "Goodies" at Goodness!!
Well how sweet and spoiled are you!!! What a grrreat tree. I think Bloggers/Creative Souls are actually the BEST gift givers too. Hehehe!
After seeing so many Inspiration Boards on blogs, I had to go and turn a window into one (Friendship Window) and after hearing about yours so often I'm happy to see it in a picture!! It feels like an old friend, llike should I shake it's hand? Haha.
I was wondering if you realized the bag was stuffed! Hmmmm... I never thought about the implication of sticking pins into smiley faces -- perhaps I should have made Mr. Bill pin cushions...
They did start out without the faces, but the felted wool had a cable pattern that just looked like a smile. It was impossible to resist!
Pin cushion babies...what a nice surprise!
Oh, this is an inspiration post! Love all the goodness.
So glad you got yourself a lil chick. I just couldn't resist it AND the price. :)
Cheers! LA
wow lucky you! what a beautiful tree. and I do love those ornaments!
Ooooooh lucky you!!! That tree is gorgeous, what a lovely friend Sarah is! Glad you got more done on the afghan, can't wait to see it all done. I love the idea of your inspiration board, or a friendship window as Miz Smoochie has done. I must add that to my "to do" list :)
How generous is Sarah? All the decorations look great! And I love the mood board.
wow what a nice site love your bargain finds funny how we are all the same the world over,i did a blog hop you know friends blog her link to another to yours and heres someone like my sister and i who loves thrifting and posts her bargains like us love your site keep up the great work Jullie form Australia check my hpuse and bargains
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