So in addition to the napkins & napkin rings and the sheeting/fabric I have already showed you, this was my haul from last weekend:

tin - $1 - it's not vintage but it looks it, plus it's red. My favorite accent color!
whisk broom - $1 - it says Hungary on the handle.
wire basket - $2 - Oh so many uses
blue atlas jar - $49 cents - this is a new jar and was too cute to leave. I think I'll save it for swap goodies.

tinsel & 2 wooden Christmas ornaments - $1.99 - these were in a bag of goodies. I have to say, the first thing I head for lately are the bags of misc. crap. I've found some real treasures in there including those enamal Italian napkin rings I showed you
rick rack - $1.99 - this is a HUGE amount of blue rick rack. So if you get any mail from me, swap or otherwise, expect some blue rick rack.
Giants glass - 49 cents - Luis seems to use the thrifted Giants glasses I have found for him more than the our nice glasses.
wire basket - 99 cents - again, think of how many ways to use this! I can't resist a wire basket.
meat tenderizer - $1 - I needed one. Plain and simple.
So, I need your thoughts . . .
I'm still considering a "vintage" online store. I'd really like to offer a place where you can get quality items for a good price. I won't be one of those seller's who makes money on shipping, I plan to know pretty much what the shipping will cost and use flat rate boxes when I can. I also would like to have an area of "in search of" items. Like trying to find that creamer to go with my French Saxon China Thistle pattern sugar bowl! I'd like to have bartering as an option as well. So what do you think? And don't blow sunshine up my skirt, I want your real opinions. :)
What's doin' tonight? Curried Leek Soup, some crocheted baby booties and Ugly Betty.
I don't think I've ever seen such a big roll of rick rack! What a find.
As far as the store, I think the best part about your idea is having an "in search of" place. That would be really good for collectors and the such. Probably the toughtest part about doing that kind of store though is making sure you're paying yourself a reasonable salary. Anyway, just must thoughts.
and I love Ugly Betty!
What great finds!! And that supersized rickrack is so cool! I love the idea of an "in search of" that would be great. If you are not paying a huge web hosting fee, I don't think it hurts to try. If it doesn't work then what will you lose.
Man oh man, what a great haul of goodness you got there, and yeah - that is a huge roll of rickrack! :) I used to have a girlfriend that always wanted to go thrifting and yard sale-ing with me, it was much more fun going with a friend....but then she got married and moved away...sniff...sniff. My hubby is a good sport about it most of the time, be he sometimes gets cranky and says "we have too much stuff already" LOL
I like the ideas you have very much for your online store. Are you setting up your own website?
Oooooh, does this mean I"m getting some rickrack? Cool!
I'd like to think the online shop could work. One problem is that people who like thrifted stuff often like to thrift themselves and are used to thrift shop prices. I suppose you'll never know until you try. Good luck!
I think it is a great idea. There are certain things you can find in your city that I can't find out here. Give it a whirl and see how it goes! *Risa
I have a piece of advice :-) To get the 'cent' symbol, hold your ALT key and type 0162 then you'll get this: ¢. I think it will come in handy for you.
You know how I feel about the store, I think it's worth a shot. I have a website that I pay a monthly fee on and it's not ridiculous (which you also know) and so easy to do!
That rickrack is cracking me up because I have an identical roll! I used some of it on my sewing machine cover. I can't remember if it came from Saver's. Here is the post
Too funny!
If you want a partner for your online shop, just let me know. It would be a liscense to shop for me!
I saw the blue ric-rac and became blue with envy. So much of it... I bet you did the happy thrift-store dance when you found it!
My first thought was that it would look nice on a Buffalo Bills pillow or otherwise crafted items, then I saw the Giants glass. Perhaps you might want to consider crafting a Giant's pillow for your honey... while men drink out of their football glass and eat chips on Sunday... they need to have a pillow to recline on...
As for the shop -- it sounds like both a wonderful idea... and lots of work too! My first thought would be to consider what sort of boxes and packing material you'd need and take it from there. I love these sorts of ideas and would love to do that too -- but I'd hate the actual packing and shipping part!
I'm excited. I can't wait. Honestly, I think the store is a great idea, especially having the bartering option.
Go for it, make sure you cover your costs though, just keep it small and see what happens.
Jealous of the ROLL of rick rack!!!
I never knew it came on rolls.
I think this is my third post to you today, so I appologize! It's just that you're a woman after my own heart and I can't resist :) First of all, awesome score on the ric rac! I actually was going to go out and buy some at joanns today to finish up a bib I'm making. I think I'm going to use red though, I'm just not sure if it will bleed onto the white towel. Second, I love wire baskets too! And third, I think the idea to have an "in-search-of" section for your store is fantastic. We're all searching for something, and we're bound to find it if we widen the hunt :)
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