The vet thinks he may have swallowed something that is blocking his intestines. :(
Mason will be three next week. He was the cutest puppy with great big paws:

He weighed more at 3 months old than our little dog weighs full grown.
So please cross your fingers that it's just a little tummy trouble and nothing too serious and that he'll be back on the sofa with his best fuzzy friend soon.

If Mason would stop thinking the plastic bags that hold the dog treats were the actual treats this wouldn't be a problem :-) I'm sure he'll be fine. Just make sure to hold his paw when he gets the xray so he's not scared.
Many belly rubs to your boy... it seems the more you love them, the more they succeed at making your worry.
FWIW, if he's not puking, there's a decent chance that it's not a bowel obstruction -- they are very good at barfing up that which they can't digest.
Oh, I hope everything is alright - I'll be thinking of you : )
Please let us know how he's doing!
Hope all is well with MAson.
Please keep us poted on his progress
Take care
Ohh, the poor sweetie! I hope it's nothing serious and you both will be feeling better soon. Hugs to your furry buddy!
They are both cuties! Hope all is well with Mason and nothing more than a tummy ache.
Cutest doggies ever! I hope his tummy feels better soon.
Awwwww I hope your sweet pup feels better soon! My brother's dog gobbled up a sponge once of all things, and it was removed and his dog was just fine. =)
I'm not a big dog person, but he sure is a cutie. I hope he's OK. Let us know. I'll keep him in my prayers.
Oh no! I hope this turned out ok this afternoon.
Awww....I hope there's nothing serious wrong with darling Mason!! Adorable pictures, love them....my thoughts will be with you and your doggy.
Oh I hope everything is okay with him, give him lots of hugs from me!
feel better mason and mommy!
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