It was a weekend of soups in my house. This is the curried leek soup I mentioned on Thursday. It might be my new favorite food. Seriously, it's YUM. I added extra curry powder and was glad I did.
I also made Italian Meatball Soup in the crock pot:

I've been eating a whole lot of spinach on my new diet. I didn't even lose an ounce in the first week but I guess I did cheat a bit. I need to have more willpower! This soup is my own recipe. I'll post the recipe soon as I can't really remember exact measurements as I sort of went by taste. :) It was very yummy to come home to after my long morning of thrifting with Katie on Saturday.
I had quite a few fav finds this weekend, and these are yet another:

I'm a sucker for vintage linen napkins and these are in perfect shape! It seemed as if they were never even used. And I just can't get enough of the veggie motif that was so popular back in the day. I would probably put these in the store. If I had a store that is. Still on the fence about that one. It would be hard for me to actually use them I think. :)
More finds:

pink shelf box - $2 - now that I am over my fear of hanging things on the wall, this will go nicely in the craft room and could possibly be a home for my new fairy.
crochet thread - $2 - I have plans for some tiny doll house crocheted goods! Can't you see a pretty blue throw for the back of a tiny sofa? Maybe I'll have the next doll house linen shop like the doll house bakery over at Turkey Feathers.
doll clothes closet - $3 - isn't this just the neatest thing? It's not in the best shape and is made from some strange particle/paper board but the inside has shelves and a clothes bar and everything. I think I will paint the outside and wall paper the inside. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to have a little girl someday to enjoy using this.
ball jar - $1 - Katie collects these and was gracious enough to let me take one home. :)
pink glass goblet - $1 - it's not depression glass but will go nicely with the pieces I do have. I use them for storage/display in the craft room. Notice the trend that all things girly and pink are in my craft room??
tomato files - $2 - I'm not really sure what these are for. Both are expanding files. I thought to use the small one for coupons and the large one for recipes.
Tonight, Katie and I are going back to Savers. I am leaving tomorrow for a mini 5 day vacation to Atlantic City and Baltimore and we didn't want our 30% off coupons to go to waste! Wish me luck to find the other tea cup with the strainer that I passed up. :)
The swaps are arriving! You can see Kate's goodies here that she received from Bee! Any more goodies arrived yet?
I'll be back next week, be GOOD.
More great thrifting finds!! I think your store idea is fabulous! Hope you have a great vacation!
What a great thrifting finfs you got!
The swaps are allready arriving.........oh my then I have to hurry! I'm almost done and hopefully I can send it tomorrow or the next day. I'm having a lot of fun getting it together.
That soup sounds (and looks) wonderful! I hope you can remember the recipe soon because I'd definitely try it. I love a good soup in any weather :)
Great thrifty goodness you got there, I love all the pink stuff, especially the doll clothes closet - too cute!
That soup you made is making me hungry, it just looks soooo tasty! I love dishes with curry in them :)
Oh my gosh, it's the stalking shrooms again! lol! Enjoy your vacation!
Thanks for the recipe!
Have a good trip - you'll have a package from me waiting for you when you return : )
Love your finds. The doll wardrobe looks like the same vintage as the dresser I found for my daughters room. Painted pink but gross particle board doors on the bottom with red plastic handles. But it could easily be fixed up. Glad you like my beefcake :)
That soup looks heavenly. I love anything Curry. MMM...
Hope you have a great trip!! I agree with Paula just add curry and I am in!
THe doll closet is really neat hope you post pics of it painted up.
I have got to learn to crochet- a tiny throw would be adorable.
The soups look great. I can't wait to be back and cooking again with you...
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