Now about that pile . . .

Vera Scarves - (on the bottom) - my Mom scored these so I'm unsure of the price but she only pays a certain amount for things so I know it was a good one. The pink one with flowers (on the right) is my favorite and has a sticky spot from an old tag which I hope to be able to remove. Does Oxi Clean take out sticky stuff? I use Goo Gone to remove sticky tags from household items but I'm not sure about using it on fabric. (And if you don't have some and frequent a thrift store where they stick big white tags on EVERYTHING you must get yourself some Goo Gone, it's the best!)
mini pot holders - 45 cents - these are tiny, maybe 3 1/2 inches across and are that lovely light terry cloth of many 70s kitchen accessories.
mousie - 50 cents - isn't he the CUTEST? I just love him. I'm not much for porcelain animal figures but I couldn't resist his big ears. I think I'll give him a little bow around his neck.
wooden house chest of drawers - $2 - I've always wanted something like this for "doo dads" and this one is well made. The drawers are lined in velvet and the roof lifts up for an extra hidey-hole space. Oh the stuff I can put in here!
wooden house box - 50 cents - this is just a tiny box and I think it's hand painted. Not sure what I'll do with it, it was sort a of "wooden house" kind of day.

rose shaped "bundt" cake pan - $3 - this is a nice heavy enamel on cast iron version and I think I'll put it to some use this weekend. Any suggestions for cake recipes??
milk bottles - $3 each - this was a bit much for these but it was the first yard sale I hit that day and I do really like them . . . I think I will fill them with sea glass I find at the Rockaways.
tea cups - $4.50 each - yes, a lot for the thrift but do I need to go into my love for these AGAIN? :)
Believe me, there's a ton more but I have decided not to bore you with the menial thrifts. I found a few sheets to add to my rag rugs (which I hope to have up in my shop next week), a chenille bed spread I cut up for a custom tea cup pin cushion order

(expect to see all kinds of crap made out of that bed spread - I'm open to your ideas!! Drop me a line!) and a load of paper items that I hinted to yesterday. Next week is going to be big for The Goodness Shop!
I have only heard from one person who has not heard from their Spring Fling Swap partner. Anyone else out there? Check out a few swaps already received HERE, HERE and HERE. Everything I have seen so far is lovely! Are you ready for the next swap? Hmmm?
Thank you for visiting my blog! And you work in NYC - lucky you! We used to go there quite frequently on buying trips for my MIL (she had a bead shop here on the Cape - she only sells finished jewelry, now). You can imagine I bee-lined for the fashion district on my trip last weekend! My local supplier is all out of those seashell beads... so my kids and I checked out ENDLESS beadshops in Manhattan for them... not a ONE! lol But my 6 year old found ONE strand of mother-of-pearl seashells - I will send you a convo through etsy once I have the earrings made. BTW - I LOVE your blog! Didn't realize there were so many great thrift finds out your way - finding bargains here in the Cape is a near impossibility!
Great finds!! I love the pin cushion out of chenille. I know I've seen lots of things made out of those bedspreads but of course I can't think of them right now! I'll have to get back to you on that!! :)
Hi Rebecca!
Thanks so much for blogging about the swap goodies - the things that you sent to me are lovely - the pot holders that you made went right into my kitchen and will be there always : )
Oh, the possibilities are endless for that bed spread... what if you made some little pouches or drawstring bags and used that fabric to line them or put a stripe on the outside?
Let us know what projects you use that fabric for! Can't wait to see!
Cheers - Jenn
Yes, I know the thrift store burnout feeling, but it never lasts long! It just draws you in. I have so many thrifted items now I think my husband might just sell me!
As for the bedspread, I'm no help. It might make some nice soft pillows.
Lovin' the little hidey hole housey goodies,hmmm,thrift burn-out,I don't know if I've experienced this strange phenomenom!
Love your blog! I just found it! I love that bundt pan. There's a cake made from the pan in the new Romantic Country magazine on page 69. It looks awesome. It says the pan is from Nordicware. Maybe they have a recipe on their website for it! How fun!
You certainly are amassing lots of stuff...perfect if you want to prepare to open your own shop. I've had my antiques shop and tea room for almost 4 years now. If you have any questions regarding having a shop, please feel free to pick my brain!
Great finds Rebecca! For removing the sticky residue from delicate items, I use baby wipes. Works really well on book covers.
For the chenille, you could make some softies or cut squares and piece it with some other fabrics to make a quilt top.
The bundt pan is really nice. I think I saw Martha Stewart make a cake in a pan like that. You should be able to use any bundt cake recipoe in that pan.
Well gosh dang girl! I love that bundt pan so much. Who knew someone would ever have bundt pan envy?! I'm a major addict of kitchen gadgets I don't use but I'm tryyyying to be more diligent about using "them" more often.
So how about a rum cake in that rose pan? Yum yum yum!! Let me know when it comes out of the oven.
The mouse is so darn cute, The HOUSE!! I would have grabbed that, never seen anything like that pretty cake pan before - it's awesome. You found a chenille bedpsread!? They are like hensteeth around here now. Do you know how many shabby chic quilt patterns there are CRYING out for some of that chenille???
I do love the new pin cushion! Might I suggest pillows for the bed spread, they seem to be a favorite of mine lately :-)
I love all your finds! Mostly the bundt pan!
I have a recipe for a killer Chocolate Kahlua Cake. If you're intereted, email me.
I just found your lovely blog through Katie from See Katie Sew. You've got some great stuff thrifting. I recently started thrifting/antiquing and it's so fun looking at all your finds.
Thanks for sharing
You found such cute things, Lucky you
Take care
Wow, did you get a deal on that beautiful rose bundt cake pan! I got one brand new (mine doesn't have the enamel...I like the enameled one better) at Williams Sonoma for like $30!
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