So far so good! Honestly the most annoying part is cutting up the sheets which is why I only did halves to start in case I wasn't happy with the finished product. I am using a smaller crochet hook than the one in the tutorial because it gave it a more sturdy feel. I'm loving the color combination as well. I think this could become a bit of a habit for me! I'm thinking an oval next time. Thanks, Sarah! I needed that bit of motivation to get started on something new.
Now I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for that Pyrex I teased about, right? LOL! Well I looked it up on EBay and it doesn't sell for that much but who cares! I like it and plan to share it with my mother who seems to be on an eternal hunt for a butter dish:

Creamer, sugar, gravy boat and saucer and butter dish all about $11 minus a 30% discount. Katie's sharp eye found the matching pieces when I snatched up the gravy boat! I don't see much like this in the thrift stores often so it was a nice surprise. Mom you can have the butter dish, we'll have to see about the other pieces. ;)
I thrifted a few more things that day that I plan to share once I get some pictures. My idea of cleaning for Easter included dumping everything unceremoniously into my craft room which included my bag of thrifted goodies.
So tonight I think I'll cut up more "yarn" for the rag rug. I have a light green sheet in my cabinet that hasn't been used since we upgraded to a queen, do you think a green stripe should be next?
updated: please check out the comments from Carrie B. in the comments section! She has some great tips on making fabric strips. She also included a link to a different way to make rag rugs called Toothbrush Rugs! Thanks Carrie, I don't have an email or a blog for so if you want to chat, drop me a line, email is in my profile.
Here's an easy way to get sheets into strips for rag rugs. Trim off all the hemmed edges from your sheet so that it is just one big piece of fabric with raw edges. Then, along one edge, take a pair of scissors and snip about 1" into the fabric about every 2" (or however wide you want your strips to be). Then, grab your hubby and have him help you with this next step: You grab every other "tab" in your hands, and have him grab the other ones. Then, at the same time, both of you pull in different directions. The fabric will tear into perfect strips, all at once! I swear this works like magic. I took a "toothbrush rug" class last year (similar to crochet) and this is the method the instructor showed us for making the strips. Easy peasy! :)
Ooops! I forgot to mention how to join all those strips into one continuous piece. There is an easy method described within this HGTV tutorial for toothbrush rugs: "Fold each strip so that the ends meet. Fold the ends in about an inch and make a small slit at the fold. Line up the slits of two different strips. Slide the opposite end of the strip through both slits from underneath the fabric. Pull the strip all the way through the slits to create a knot." So, basically, each strip you made has a little slit in each end that is used to connect it to the next strip. No sewing required!
I have always wanted to make a rug like this, or even a basket, but have been put off by cutting the strips. I think I tsrated once and got a big ol' blister. So this is good news allthese tips. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
I love the rug you've started! And those colors are lovely together! Keep us updated on your progress : )
I think your rug is turning out great. And you know what else? I swear I saw that same pyrex at my thrift store yesterday!
Cute pyrex! And the rug looks great. I would have to cut one continuous strip like in the original tutorial, joining would make me crazy!
Oh my goodness! The rug is so perfect that now I am even sadder that I cannot crochet. LOL
Well, I know what my next project is going to be!
Love, love your rug!!! Beautiful colors. So springy!
My face scrunched up when I saw the pyrex. While I do like some designs and colors of pyrex I would have to say this is my least favorite and my grandmother has the whole complete set.
Good tip on cutting strips from sheets!
Nice rug! I love Carrie's instructions on ripping the fabric strips. (Sounds like a good way to get out aggression.) I may just try to tear up a sheet that way just for the fun of it!
That rug looks AWESOME! I love the colors. I really don't need any new projects right now, but I think I am going to have to try this.
I love the rug, it reminds me so much of the ones my granny used to make with all those colorful bits of vintage fabric she saved! She never threw anything out, she always made something from it. This was the only project I ever learned to crochet when I was little. It seemed to go pretty fast as I remember, but of course my granny had already made the balls of fabric strips to use. Can't wait to see your finished project, it looks great so far! :)
Love the rug Rebecca, and I think green would look great with it. Carrie's method really works. I used to make log cabin quilts and always tore the strips insteead of cutting them. Much less time consuming.
P.S. Got my goodies yesterday. Thanks! My son loves the ducky.
Omgosh, what a brilliant idea!! You rock the smartness!! Can't wait to see the finished rug.
Yay, that rag rug is great. I just love this type of crafty recycling. At some point, after all my other to-dos have been started at least, I wouldn't mind learning to make one of these. It really looks great. You got a great set of pyrex there. What a good find that was? I look forward to more thrift hunting with you.
The rug is looking marvelous, love the colors! My good friend makes room size braided rugs from sheets and she loves them, great pastel colors. I can't wait to see your finished project.
Nice Pyrex find, my sister would be jealous.
i've actually been curious about rag rugs,great job,and great gravy boat!
PS thanx for voting for my big sis's dolls!
Oh the rag to rugs thing is so cool! This is much like the crochet you can do with plastic bags.
A friend and I tried it and made some neat rugs from plastic bags for outside our front doors, we also made 'totes' that can carry just about anything. Lots of comments are made when we carry them.
Enjoy reading you adventures in crafting!
Yes, I too love the rug, and the colors are great!! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Wow is that a blast from the past. I used to make those into baskets and purses back in the late '80s! But now I can't find the cording anywhere. I like how you can mix all the fabric patterns and colors to make it "you". I agree, the ripping is the worst part. Thanks for the memories....*Risa
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