So long story short (too late, I know) I made my own version of one of those crowns. (And I PROMISE to go find a store in Manhattan that carries some of Barbara's products and splurge away) Anyway, imitation is the purest form of flattery so here you go:

In retrospect, I wish I would have used a two sided paper on those side rosettes. I like it anyway. The map paper is wrapping paper and is double sided (it's leopard on the other side me-ow). It's one of those rolls you get from those school fund raiser booklets that float around during the winter holidays. I always buy a few rolls from a lady at work and while it's high ($6 a roll) there's a lot of it, it's a heavy duty paper AND it's double sided. I adore all the rolls I have and use them often.
Gratuitous close up:

Man, I LOVE pinking shears. They just make my day. The stripped paper on the side of the large rosette in the center is what I made the side rosettes from. I am debating on whether I need to put something in the center of the rosettes? Thoughts? More decoration? Hmm?
Here is a close up of the rosette I made for my Aunt (I plan to attach it to a pin back);

The leaves are cut with the Sizzix and I'm all about the glitter glue these days. I used it on the map paper rosettes as well though it's not showing up. On the pink striped rosettes on the side (I forgot to photograph them, damn!) I did the whole "paint on the glue sprinkle with glitter thing" and it looks nice but the glitter is white and you can barely see it and it took for-freakin-ever. I need better glitter!
Anyway, I will take pictures of my Mom and my Aunt Pam sporting their paper accoutrements at the Bridal Tea this weekend. I will also FINALLY be able to share the adorable place cards and tags I crafted for the party without ruining the surprise for Nina and Dita.
I hope soon to be able to post about some thrift finds as after all, that's what this blog is about. Of course, would you say that making your Mom a paper crown with supplies you already had INSTEAD of purchasing one (or new supplies to make one) is both THRIFTY and GOODNESS? Ponder . . .
cheers bellas . . .
Yes, definitely, something in the middle of the rosette. Maybe a little piece of jewelry? A thrifted pin (that's not too heavy)?
I think you need something in the middle of the rosette also. I am so lucky because my husband just bought me some glass glitter off Ebay, and I am drooooooling while waiting for the right moment to use it.
Those are gorgeous! Have a wonderful bridal tea!
You clever girl,these are too too gorgeous!
Rebecca, very nice crowns/rosettes! I would probably embelish the center a little. Either way they are wonderful. Who's getting married? I'm just nosey.....heehee. My son is getting about ready to be selling some of the gift wrap paper. Now I know who to hit up for some orders..LOL Seriously, I didn't realize they were double sided...I usually bypass the paper and get some other overpriced thingy for Christmas like chocolates that look monstrous in the picture but when you get them there are 4 in the box and about the size of your pinky!
Well here I am jumping on the bandwagon! I do believe something (what, I'm not sure)in the middle of the rosettes might make it even cuter *gasp*. A cluster of tiny beads? Old fashioned looking button? A snippet of fluffy fake feather?(Isn't alliteration fun?) Oh the possibilities! Regardless, the crown turned out to be fab - like I'm surprised. :) See you at the Tea Partay!!! -Nina
Hi there!! Just found your blog today! LOVING your paper rosettes..and crown!! lovely!! Truly fabulous!! Great rendition!!You should be proud!I look forward to visiting your blog often!! Thanks for sharing!!
Happy Blogging!
Happy Crafting!
xoxo Jenny
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