This is the lot of it! I'm sort of into blue and pink right now and accented this package with some of the vintage ribbon I recently scored. The ribbon actually inspired the palette. I love how shiny it is! (Okay, so can I go on and on about stupid ribbon or what, geesh.)

I love the way this potholder came out. I'm trying to take the cheesy out of crocheted potholders ha ha . . . I made this up as I went along. I know that somewhere online there is a pattern for a tea cup potholder but I couldn't find it when I wanted to and decided to wing it. I used a layer of quilt batting in between so it's much more substantial than my previous potholders and I put a chenille stem (read: pipe cleaner ;) ) in the handle. I loved the flower trim so much that I made a few extras to adorn a linen napkin I sent.

I am also impressed with how a little of that ribbon really brightened up this cow creamer (already nicknamed Millie by Tami!).

And don't you just love a tea cup on a doily? I didn't make that, it's thrifted. I've not yet reached the granny stage of sitting around crocheting doilies. Potholders and monkey clothes, yes, but doilies, no. Okay, I've TRIED to make doilies but I'm not very good at it. So that's my secret. I CAN'T MAKE DOILIES. Ahem . . . moving on . . .
You can visit the Flickr group for this swap here. Also, go here and check out not only my sister Mandi's cute tea swap goodies but also her wonderful fairy tale picnic invitations!
By now everyone should have received partner information for the Summer Fun Swap. If you did not, please leave us a message at Sweet Goodness Swaps. Bring on all things yellow and orange!
And a note on comments . . . I read every one of the comments you leave! I wish I could answer you all and at least say thanks for stopping by but as you know, I don't always have an email address for you especially the newbies! So I'm doing my best to visit your blogs and leave comments but please know that I appreciate all of your wonderful comments and just adore our little blogger community. Goodness Rules.
Tomorrow, teeny tiny swap goodies.
Are you guys going to post the partner list at the goodness blog? I like checking out the blogs of everyone participating!
The tea cup potholder? Definitely taking the cheesy out of potholders!
And a P.S. to your non-emailable commenters, if you have a blogger profile you have to check the box which says "show your email address" for folks to be able to email you in response. It doesn't get you spammed to death. (At least not as far as I am aware.)
You made up that pattern as you went along? Man, I am totally impressed! Super cute package! Love that cow creamer. :)
so...about that pot holder...
Maybe can I commission one from you?
My mom's birthday is coming up and she sure loves her tea!
Email me if you're interested.
You put together a wonderful array of items! I love the tea cup pot holder. How are your plans coming along for your own shop?
Adorable tea cup potholder. Sweet cow (I have several of these maybe I should jazz them up with some ribbons....)
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