Recently purchased crafting books:

As you all know, I'm new to sewing. I've always admired Amy Butler's fabrics and hand bag patterns but they seemed way to complex for me. But this book should be a good starter I think! Plus I love that ruffle pillow on the front. I want some for my bed and my sofa.

This was recommended by so many of you and I can see why! There are so many projects in here I can't wait to dig into. My sojourn into sewing won't really begin until the weather cools a bit but expect great things from me in the fall!

I picked this up used for about $4. It's about adding crocheted trims to household items. I wanted it mainly for the pillowcases. They are very pretty with the crocheted trim being sewn to a ribbon that is then stitched to the case edge. I wouldn't buy this book new, but the used price was well worth it for the trim patterns.
What I'm reading now/next:
Heaven & Hell by John Jakes
This is the third in the North and South Trilogy that I am sure many of you have seen the miniseries of. It was quite popular when I was younger. The books are wonderful and I have to admit I have a bit of a "thing" for one of the main characters. :) Plus I have a bit more interest in the Civil War and American history in general now.
What's up next? Why the new Harry Potter of course. I should finish H&H just in time to get started on the day it comes out.
All time favorite reads:
Top 5
5. Memoirs of a Geisha : Arthur Golden - If you haven't read this you must! It's wonderful. And don't let the movie deter you. While it was a beautiful film (I loved the costumes) it just did not have the passion that the novel does.
4. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood : Rebecca Wells - this book made me miss my really close girlfriends and want to make crazy hats and pray to the Virgin Mary in the moonlight.
3. Harry Potter Series : J.K. Rowling - I do truly love these books. I can't pick just one. I started reading them back when the first one had just come out in paperback and have been a fan ever since. I could probably do a whole separate list of favorite children's books but don't even know if I'd put these on there. I think they are wonderful for all ages. I will be sad to see the series end but I'm excited for Year 7!
2: His Dark Materials : Philip Pullman - these is another series of "children's" books but these are much deeper are more philosophical than Harry Potter. The first book, The Golden Compass (called The Northern Lights in the UK), will be out as a movie in December starring Nicole Kidman as the evil Mrs. Coulter. I'm looking forward to seeing it!
1. Brave New World : Aldous Huxley - I read this as a freshman in college and it has always stuck with me. I've been saying for years now that it's my favorite book and will again list it as number one. The fact that Huxley predicted many of our "modern wonders" and showed how they could corrupt society fascinated me. A truly eye opening read.
What books tickle your fancy? Can you make a list like I did or do you change your favorites day to day? Do you like a specific genre the way I like children's fantasy and historical fiction?
my list is extensive...but for the moment...
Have you read the John Jakes American Revolution series? I think it starts with The Bastard. I remember liking that one a lot!
More later on my "list"!
Oh well, it is scary, horror books all the way for me. I do read other stuff, but only if I can buy it at a garage sale. :-)
I can't wait to hear about the sewing books. I still haven't purchased any.
I love your list. I haven't read all of them and now have new books for my library list. Woohoo!
I would add more children's book to mine - anything by Louisa May Alcott for me. I love her!
I agree about Geisha. The movie didn't do the book justice at all though I thought it was "pretty."
I'm going to have to check out the second sewing book you mentioned. By the way, could you email me...our computer went capoey which meant your addy went with it.
Not a Harry Potter fan. Maybe when I have kids..
My fave author is Anne Tyler. I also love junk mysteries--not too scary.
I love the witty chick lit stuff. Anything by Jane Green! Emily Giffen is great. Sophia Kinsella is great too.
My favorite book of all time is "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest Gaines. You should read it. It is simple. Beautiful. Sad. Heartbreaking.
I love books. I also like children's fantasy and historical fiction. For historical fiction, I like Sharon Kay Penman's books. I also like Juliet Marillier, whose books also have a touch of magic. I read the His Dark Marterials series a few years ago and loved them! I'd like to read them again with the movie coming out. Can't wait for that! I also tend t like books with faeries. The Various was really good. I could go on and on...
If I ever finish my afghan, I will next move to crochetting doilies and lace -- it's in my blood, darnit!
Have you ever read "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet?
I highly recommend the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I think there are 6 in print now and at least one more to come. It is mostly a historical romance with a bit of time travel and a down-to-earth heroine.
I read all sorts of things. I only read Chronicles of Narnia as an adult (before the movie), and loved it. One of my favorite novels is The Piano Tuner, by Daniel Mason. I even started a book blog where I do reviews, etc. I love to read--I aim for a book a week. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more. But it's always fun.
Great list, I will have to check out a few of them :)
Right now I'm still making my way through "The Sound of Paper" by Julia Cameron and then a book for work on management--but for summer reading, I've picked up probably 2 dozen books or more during the course of the year to devour into. My latest snag--3 more books from Anita Shreve who wrote the Pilot's Wife and Light on Snow among other stories. One of my favorite books I've read over the last year or so was "Open House" by Elizabeth Berg--a kind of coming of age book through the eyes of a recently divorcee. Funny, touching, and sad at the same time.
Enjoy your summer reading!!
Oh, how I love books! I have a looooong list of favorites, and I like many genres, but esp. young adult (there is some truly brilliant writing there).
Have you read Amy Tan's books?
Philippa Gregory?
Sandra Dallas? (great reading esp. for quilters)
Margaret Atwood?
Lemony Snicket?!? (love love love Lemony!)
: )
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