I did find a few things on my last trip:

Hat box with 2 hats and lace scarf: $3
Vanity set: $3
These are unusual finds and the prices were suprising low. That particular thrift in Baltimore has gotten a bit over priced. It's still some what less than the New York stores but still high.
In comparison, here are some recent Saver's finds:

I've been lucky with the Vera goods lately. I really like that purple scarf, it's so pretty and I like that shape. Some stains but oh well, I liked it enough as it was. There's some orange and yellow up there I see hmmmm . . . and a nice quality linen napkin is a great background for embroidery. This one sill has a sticker on it saying 100% linen. Another Golden Book for a project my sister and I are working on and a sweet old children's book called Many Moons by James Thurber. I'm growing quite a fondness for old kid's books. Look at this on Sarah found!

Cute tea towel with a recipe for "Peasant Soup"
Sweet ceramic Santa box - on the bottom some one engraved "July 13th." I wonder if there are still ceramics classes? My Mom and Aunt took them weekly when I was a kid. You would pick out your piece, paint it and fire it. We had all sorts of holiday ceramics! I'd love to do that and I'm not talking about those paint your own pottery places.
Virgin Mary miniature box - I'm not very religious but something about this little piece really called to me. It's so sweet and pretty and, well, peaceful. :)
So have any of you found any true vintage items at thrift lately?
I do still find TRUE vintage at the thrifts,almost everytime I go,though definitely not the booty of yore.
I have that same book of Sarahs(thrifted ofcourse).
Mostly mine are now vintage baubles and embroidery,both of which I am into. Ofcourse I also find the vintage lingerie,that I love.
Sadly,my fave category, Vintage X-mas,is picked clean at my thrifts.
No vinatge at the thruft stores. That's why I'm all over rummage sales these days.
Oh man, you found my Amish people on that tea towel! LOL
Vintage seems to be getting rarer and rarer at the thrift. But, since I flea market and stuff, there is still plenty to be had.
Is that a red hat box? I could just cry. SO jealous!
Not as much "true" vintage as before -- which is why it's important not to pass it up (if it's reasonably priced!).
Vera scarves are hard to come by where we are -- what a score!
The concept of "vintage" is changing anyway. I see stuff from the 80's (which I'd consider "retro") that are being labelled "vintage."
Vintage does seem to be harder and harder to find, and priced much higher when it is there. I agree with Vallen, little old lady garage sales are where I hit it big.
I occasionally find things but its getting rarer and the pricing has altered dramatically on some items. I think the stores can quickly Google items and price them more like true antique shops. I often see china items now specially labelled and priced - one yesterday at a thrift "Meissen cup and saucer $20" on a shelf with the 50c cups.
I talked to a woman about pricing yesterday in an Op Shop. She said it is the eBay/TradeMe people ruining it for everyone now. She also said they had to raise prices overall as they need the money they raise for the Food Bank which is funded from their shop.
I get true vintage items from garage sales (though the dealers swoop in on those) and church/school fairs are the best.
I have that same red box, my mom was a hairdresser and it actually is a wig box. They used to have a stand in them and the wig could be displayed and then stored in the box:)Too cool.
That's funny b/c I just posted a photo of my PINK STOVE that I got at a Salvation Army.
Here in the Midwest, the Salvation Army seems to be better hunting than the Goodwill lately. Mom and I always have a wonderful buying trip around the 4th of July when we head up into Wisconsin for a few days.
I haven't been thrifting in DAYS girl. I'm hoping to drag a friend along with me this weekend though - if she doesn't chicken out!!!
By the way, want the Goddess? Because I'm such a doorknob, you'll have to email your address again.
It does seem like the good vintage has dried up at thrift stores. The ones around here seem to have a plethora of marked down Target goods.
Love your thrifted treasures!
LOVE THE VERA!! Is 'vintage' getting harder to find, or are we getting older and what 'youngins' are calling 'vintage' we don't appreciate?!
I did find vintage pyrex at the thrift store in Solvang when I was on vacation. But, it's rare that I find anything vintage.
I still find vintage linens and other things at the Salvation Army and Village in Chicago. And of course at estate sales. The prices are high at the estate sales though. It's hard to be mad that everyone's a dealer now, since I'm trying to be one too!
We have an antique store that is chock full of vintage. I have bought from there...an clock that is a coach pulled by a horse and it has a streetlamp that actually lights, doilies, ladies white gloves, silverware...old newspaper ladies cut out...a black velvet hat with a veil and a raspberry one with a rhinestone pin on the front and who knows what else...smile.
We can still find some vintage things while out thrifting here in the midwest, however a lot of times the person pricing the item asks too much. I collect antique cast iron (Wagner and Griswold), and I have found several good pieces (for cheap!) while thrifting, however not for several years. Nowadays I see these "made in Taiwan" pieces on the shelf, and they're asking ten dollars apiece!
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