First, many of you already know this but head on over to Sweet Goodness Swaps and sign up for our Hanging Hearts Valentine Swap!

This will be a quick and easy swap and a great way to flex your creative muscles and get 2008 off to a bangin' start. Sign ups end this Friday! Please also sign up for our mailing list (on the side bar at Sweet Goodness) to be informed of swap news and future swaps. We have a great year of swaps coming your way and as we grow in popularity (ahem) we may need to limit the number of participants so don't be late! I'd also like to welcome Heidi as the newest Goodness Girl! Thanks again, Heidi, for jumping in with both feet and lending some much needed support to Leigh Ann, Lucy and myself.
And second on the list, some thrifting! It's about time, no?

The mother load of hankies! My Mom spotted these beauties and they were only 25 cents each! So if you swap with me this year you'll most likely find one of these beauties tucked in your package. Except for that St. Patrick's day one on the bottom. I heart that one. :)

The thrifting was not spectacular in Baltimore but I did find a few treasures. The fabric is made into a curtain and I adore the pattern. What would you make it into? I'm thinking of maybe a lining for a knit bag, light celery green yarn perhaps? Any other ideas? The two hot pads and the balls of sugar and cream were all in a bag together for $2. Ever wonder what the process is for bagging misc. items at thrift? Hmmm.
I adore the handmade geisha doll. I plan to make her a nice new kimono and call her Chiyo after the young Sayuri in Memoirs of a Geisha which I happen to be rereading at the time.
The Pyrex lid is the Friendship pattern and was only $1. I spent my Sunday on Ebay bidding on matching casseroles and won a 2 quart orange one for $10. A bit more than I would normally pay but I love this pattern and could use a good sized casserole. This will go nicely with the Pyrex found in my Grandpop's apartment earlier this year.
I'm hoping to sneak in a little thrifting this weekend while Luis is off to Baltimore to watch the Giants take on the Cowboys with our brother in law Ryan. As each is routing for a different team (Luis for the Giants obviously) it should be a rowdy good time. I'll be home packing for our trip to Disney (YES AGAIN) and working on my abomination of a craft room.
Tomorrow I'll share some fun 7 random/crazy facts about myself thanks to tags from both Tamy and Michelle!
Until then . . .
The St Pattys hanky is nifty for sure!
I'm loving those hankies. The St. Patty's is definetly a keeper!
I'm so jealous about Disney. I want the full scoop. We are going in October for Halloween. I can't wait!
Did I send you the doll pattern I thought you'd like or did I flake?
Cheers! LA
Beautiful hankies! The St. Patrick's Day one is my favorite too!
Do you know about my purse blog? I post a theme every couple of months, and participants make a bag (it's all just for fun and prize or anything) and I post a pic of what everyone came up with. Well, the current theme is to make a bag using vintage linens (not clothing this time) so that curtain would be perfect!
The Pyrex lid is a nice find... I just discovered two cinderella bowls in the Friendship pattern at my parents' house over the holiday. :)
If you like Memoirs of a Geisha you should also check out Geisha, A Life. It's not as well written (as it's translated from the Japanese) but it tells the 'true' story of the geisha that Memoirs was based.
A-hem. A bit off topic. Sorry. But I needed to ask a teensy favor. Can you verify if we should be receiving email confirmation of our hanging heart sign ups? I expressed interest, but had not heard back. Wasn't sure if we will just be getting our partner assignments on the 15th, or should have heard something more immediate. Sorry to be such a nut about it, but I got so excited I went ahead and made mine and now I want to be sure it gets a good home to hang in!
By the way, love your blog. Lots of fun!
ooohhh the hankies are awesome! I have such a soft spot for vintage hankies!!
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