Here are some things from the weekend:

craft magazines - 25 cents each - the BH&G one was a bust. It was mostly wood working and VERY outdated. The other magazines had a few items to clip for my "to make" notebook and the Bernat Irish Knits book is full of crazy cabled things. This may be part of my "craft supplies swap lot" so if you're a knitter and part of the swap let me know!
vintage pot holder - 45 cents - this is way cuter than the picture allows!
OLD rolling pin - $2 - My Mom said that my fancy new silicone roller stinks and I needed a wooden one. She also thinks that red is probably 50s while green may be 40s. Of course she kept the green for herself.
zipper bag - 99 cents - this is one of those free with purchase bags from Estee Lauder but I really like the "vintage" travel pattern.
vintage hand bag - $7 - This is way more than I usually spend but this bag is in excellent shape and maybe it will be my very first EBay item. We'll see, I don't want to get in over my head with that. It is a lovely shade of brown and the lining is immaculent. I'll have to take a few more pix.
So far, including moi, we have 9 swappers:
Sarah (of Sarah & Jack)
Apron Thrift Girl (go read about her trip to the Farm Chicks show!)
Mary Beth (of Thrift, Barter, Buy - soon to back I hope!)
Jordan (of Sweet George)
Heidi (aka Spiritual Knitter)
Linda (not sure if she has a blog? I only received an e-mail, let me know!)
So we'll give it until next week (spread the word!) and then get paired up. If we have an odd number, so what, I have more than enough to spread around. You will each need to e-mail me with your address so I can send it to your swap buddy and vice versa. Oh and so I can send you something too mwah ha ha ha . . . (I have addys for Dita, Nina and Jordan. Thanks!)
More to come . . .
cheers - bex