I did receive a rather nice box of Easter Goodness from my Mom, though, so some things are scattered willy nilly about the house.

a sweet bunny guarding the booze on the wine cabinet

A vintagey sign hanging on the hutch

and my favorite of the Mom sent goodies, a bunny box. :) I'm very tempted to leave him out all year long.
Oh and of course I had to pick up another fabulous piece from Jenny at Polka Dot Pixie:

oh how I love my sweet chickie.
And today the mailman brought me one of these:

If you run over to Andrea's shop, One Hundred Wishes, she may have some left for you to stash away for next year. Or hell, leave it out as your May Day basket. I can't tell you how much I love the things Andrea stocks and she is FAST. I ordered this basket on Tuesday and I have it today in time for the holiday. I am thrilled to say the least. :) She also tucked in a few of the Easter flashcards as a freebie! Thanks! I still have two days to whip them into some decor, right? Oh and she just added vintage pink streamers to the shop! Darn, I would scooped some of them up quick!
So I'm set. I'll be decorating tomorrow, or Saturday. We'll see. Saturday is my birthday and I'm hoping for a day of leisure if I can manage it. Though I suppose I should get to that cleaning I've been fretting over . . .
Have a WONDERFUL holiday weekend my friends. I'll attempt to post from my home but don't hold your breath. I'm planning a lot of "nothing" for my three day weekend.
Buona Pasqua!
Love the chickie on the box--that is so cute! Thanks for reminding me about Andrea's store--she does have cute things :) I'm not sure how or why Easter has crept up on us but it sure has and I have nothing out!! I better hop on it!
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!
Some day I will own one of those baskets. LOL
I am actually glad easter is here already, let's just get er done already.
Excellent Easter decorations, considering you haven't decorated yet LOL! I LURVE that little chickie and the bunny you want to leave out too! And a birthday weekend combined with Easter??? How fab is that??? Do we smell Chocolate???
Rebecca, your Easter goodies are DARLING! And THANKS for the link to your sister's blog! She's a RIOT! I just enjoyed myself so much reading all her stuff! HEY!!!! Your bd is also my daughter's bd! EASY FOR ME TO REMEMBER! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow & I hope your bd/Easter weekend totally ROCKS!
Very cute Easter decor. I think I have three and one is duck, one is blush and then I just bought eeyore yesterday and he's in a bunny suit. So you're way better off with the decor than i am :-)
Happy birthday! Dear lord, don't spend it cleaning! Hope your day is special.
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