One very lucky find were these:

Uh huh. They go perfectly with my hob nail cake plate. :) They were $5 a piece, and like I said when I bought the cake plate, that is high in my book for the thrift and I almost put them back. But then I remembered that it was my pre-birthday shopping extravaganza! and I put them in the cart. So glad I did.
Also found this super sweet pillow:

Cute, right? I thought perhaps someone made it but alas it's from Laura Ashley. At $2 it, too, made it's way into my cart.
I'm a sucker for those random bags of crap found at most thrifts. You know the ones I mean. They might contain one thing you know you want, one thing you think is ugly as sin and one thing that you're really not sure what the hell it is. How thrilling! In a recent bag I bought for 99 cents the mystery item turned out to be pink rubber cleaning gloves. The packaging was Korean and cute as all get out and I just HAD. TO. KNOW what was in there. Well, 99 cents for some pink cleaning gloves ain't too bad. And they're the long kind, too.
This is a bag I bought last weekend:

Some "water repellent ribbon" (it's floral ribbon and a lovely shade of salmon) and a few other trims including that giant fuzzy rick rack. All for $2. Love those bags.
And last but not a least . . . .

Only 99 cents for this fond child hood memory . . . . a Fisher Price Happy Apple. :) He still makes a lovely tinkling noise when he rolls around.
I'm hoping for another trip to thrift this weekend.
fondly . . .
Hi Rebecca!
So glad that you enjoyed J's shower!
I love those candlesticks- they are super cute, as are so many things on your blog.
And that smiley apple face is way sweet- that's how I feel when I see old Fisher Price Little People- made from wood when I was a kid.
Will be back to visit for more cute goodness.
Boy have I missed you.
I buy those bags all the time and often end up loving some random thing in them more than the item I thought i bought the bag for.
Love the hobnail candle sticks. My parents had a pair of hobnail lamps. Wish I had those, but alas, I believe some time in the 80's they were sold at a garage sale. Keep an eye out, who knows you might find them at the thrift!
Hey Rebecca!
Thanks for the words of encouragement as well! It always helps to hear them.
Hey I love that apple face. I totally had one and loved it! Loving the hobnail candlesticks. You always do so well thrifting. You have a lot of patience that I don't :-)
Nice. I hardly ever see milk glass candle sticks, although I see plenty of other milk glass.
And I also fondly remember that apple.
HOW FUN!!! You just took me down memory lane with the Fisher Price item - I SWEAR I should have owned stock in the Fisher Price company when my daughter was little! And their stuff is made to be played with and to LAST! Also adore the candlesticks! I love milk glass so much and HOBnail milk glass even MORE. I even bought an Annie's Attic crochet pattern a million YEARS ago for an entire SET of crocheted hobnail items including a pitcher and washbasin. Your thrifting trip was a HUGE success!
You're killing me with your milk glass finds. Absolutely lovely.
Excellent grabs Rebecca1 Especially the milk glass (too pretty) and the ricrac. Didn't make it in this trip -- for some reason I was just too pooped to perk. Too many meetings I guess. It killed me though, not to have little excitement to look forward to!!!
Wow, I didn't know there was fuzzy ric rac! You always find such great stuff - send some of your thrifting mojo my way - my friend Jessica and I are hitting the shops tomorrow. All two of them. Ha!
Did you say pre-birthday? I need the date!
I spy with my little eye lots of black, white, and aqua.... :)
The candlesticks are keepers.
LA xo
Oh my gosh! I loved that Happy Apple! Too cute.
Yay happy apple! so fun! oh and the fuzzy ricrac is cool too.
Oh the Happy Apple! Such a cheery find. :) The candlesticks and trims are nice too. I haven't been to the thrift in a couple of weeks. Definitely need to remedy that this week.
ooooh...those candlesticks are soooooooooooo beautiful! I am (drool) truly lusting after them! I love those bags of trims. Always find some goodies in them!
The happy apple makes me well, happy!
Unlike many of today's toys his noise is a pleasant one. I love ALL that is anthropomorphic.
The candle sticks are a GEM, I collect hobnail milk glass and I haven't seen them before, I AM JEALOUS!!!! Love all the other great finds you have found recently!
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