Well, I say KARMA because look what I used it for:

Karma because I know Heidi would have snagged that hobnail cake plate for herself and because at $10 I probably wouldn't have bought it without having a gift certificate.* Oh and if I hadn't forgotten the GC when I went the last time I might not even have stopped there last weekend! And those milk glass mugs? They're pink. Oh yes, pink.

The most lovely palest pink and I had to have them. I certainly don't need anymore glassware (as DH is quick to point out) but COME. ON. Pink milk glass? Who are we kidding, I wasn't leaving them behind. I'm thinking they will make lovely tea cup pin cushions. Thoughts?
So THANK YOU, Heidi. It's almost like you knew. ;)
Spring swap coming soon over at Sweet Goodness. We've cooked up a good one, let me tell you! It will be announced on Monday March 24th and there is a short sign up period so stay tuned!
Thank you all so much for the kind words on my curtains. :) I do really like them. And they are really encouraging me to just go for it with other sewing projects I was afraid to botch! Hope to have something new to share soon. :)
* - for some reason I think of money differently at the thrift. The cake plate, which is a nice, heavy milk glass hobnail with a ruffle edge (for the love of Pete!) was $9.99. At the thrift that is INSANELY high. But at say TJ Max or on EBay it would be a score! I mean what is wrong with me? Yeesh. Glad I came to my senses on this one.
Hooray for you!! :) I'm so glad that I some part in helping you bring these beauties home. :) BTW, the cups are Jeannette Shell Pink. They are adorable! And the cake plate is to die for, of course. :)
It is all wonderful! Heidi was definetly there in spirit.
Cheers! LA
I'd love to drink some chocolate milk with you out of those cups when I visit! Tell your DH to shush, and go shred something.
I do the same thing at the thrift and yard sales. "10.00? Are they crazy?" Then I ask myself, "If I saw it at the Mall for $10.00, would I buy it?"
I usually do......;o)
I love those milk cups, they are beautiful and needed a home they would be loved in. I am jealous of your cake plate, I was at the thrift store yesterday and saw it's twin. I was so excited and went to grab it. TWENTY FIVE dollars!! I so would have snatched it for ten, it's still there. I don't know who took over pricing but they're crazy.
That is a beautiful cake plate! I think I would have bought it as well even at $9.99
Gorgeous! I love the mugs. I have the same thrift store mentality you do, I regret having passed up a few things that were too much money, or not half off that day, when they still really were a bargain. And yes, I am looking forward to our flea market adventure. Soon!
Pop a tea light into one of those pink cups and see how pretty milk glass looks with a candle in it! Or even use one of those battery operated tea lights that are turning up at the dollar store these days.
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