I do, of course, still look for bargains and decided on this post as a big old pat on the back for me and my purchases from Macy's yesterday. I went on a mission. I wanted these. Fiesta ware in scarlet. Oh boy did I want those. If you clicked on that link you'll see that the 16 piece setting is on sale for $143.99 from $192.00. Well, if any of you have a Macy's credit card you probably get a pound of mail from them each week like I do. I flip through the catalogs, stuff the coupons in my bag and usually forget about them when it comes time to shop. Well I happened to spy my red Fiesta ON SALE this weekend. The 4 piece set was regular price of $48 but if you bought one you got a second place setting free! Okay, let's do the math . . . . x plus y with a common denominator of z equals . . . yes, $96 for 4 four piece settings which is the same as the 16 pieces I wanted. Zing! So off I went . . .

Voila! Four sets* of Fiesta! Then, while waiting in line I spied this on sale for $69.99:

It's a Martha Stewart 7 quart enamal on cast iron baker whose regular price is $119.99 so this was a good deal and I have been eying it up. And won't it go so well with my other cast iron cookware?? So I drag all 50 pounds of it (lol) to the register and dig out my Macy's card. What is in my wallet? A $25 off coupon! So after it's all rung up, 4 sets of Fiesta Ware and one great big pot, my total is around $145 with tax. Oh, and I have $100 in gifts cards to boot.
So that, my friends, was my big bargain yesterday and you know how I get excited over pots and plates. It was a very good day.

And look how lovely! (That's a red lotus dish I picked up at the thrift and it matches perfectly!)
So pat, pat, pat. Good job to me! And thanks to Joolz for helping me lug it all to the car!!
* - yes I know there are only 3 sets in my pictures, one plate had a small flaw so it's going back to the store. The only flaw to an otherwise perfect shopping day.