which I picked up in the fall. I'm planning to put this in my craft room. So what should I make with my scant yard of fabric? Maybe some drawstring storage bags? Hmmm. Anyway, I thought it was lucky to snag some matching material!
I also found this:

It's a washcloth. Isn't it ODD? I mean cutsy but odd none the less. My guess is that it's Japanese as I found another small washcloth that has a minature dachshund on the front and it still had the tags in Japanese. (NOTE: If anyone out there has or loves minature dachshunds please send me your address and I'll pop that cute washcloth in the mail to you!)
So enough of that. Here is my favorite find:

An amber hobnail glass egg dish. I paid more than I normally would for this at thrift, $9, but I just couldn't leave it behind. I never see hobnail glass! I think it looks nice there on my hutch, too.

I really love the rich color! While I know it's an egg dish I think it fits right in with my oyster plate collection as well.
So I did get some nice things but that was an extravagant trip for me. I guess that is what happens when one does not thrift for a month!
On a different note, go see The Wizard Helmets in action! Mandi posted about her fun Fairytale party from last summer. And guess who made the magical crepe paper bean stalk? Hmm? Yours truly!
Eggs-cellent (sorry) egg plate. And just in time for Easter!
i think you should make basket liners from that yard of fabric. Maybe you could use plain white for the inside and just use the violets for the part that folds over the top of the basket. That way you would get more bang for your buck. Baskets with premade liners are pretty cheap at Big Lots and you could just add a ruffle or a band around the liner? Anyway that's my 2 cents. Also, (3 cents coming up...) The egg plate-pink eggs? Brown and pink?
Hey, did you say miniature dachshunds? I have two!
Love your egg dish. I would have picked it up too!
Great thrifting as usual.
I totally do want to see pictures of bins! I just bought over a dozen at Target tonight in five different sizes for organizing my sewing room. I love storage containers!
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