Yes that's me. I'm bringin' dorky back.
Mandi and I had a great visit! We went to see the New Jersey Devils take on the Anaheim Ducks on Friday:

(Mandi, her husband Ryan and my Louie at the game)
We also did some thrifting. I haven't been thrifting with her in awhile so it was fun and she was lucky for me! So what did I find?

This chenille bed spread was $7. It's in perfect shape! So perfect that I wonder at it's age. It doesn't seem new but there isn't a stain, rip or worn spot on it. It's very pretty and soft and it's at least a full sized spread. Do I cut it? *gulp*

These are two Laura Ashley curtain panels I snatched up at $7 for both. Is anyone familiar with the pattern name? I think it's lovely and I have already washed and hung them in my craft room. I like them much better than the red panels that were in there though I will have to rethink the Waverly Sweet Violets pattern I was planning to use. They really don't go LOL.

This vintage cloth was $4 and is also in good shape. There is a bit of staining but I can live with it even if Oxi can't get it out. I think this style is my favorite as far as vintage cloths go. I have two others that are similar. You can one here. Sarah, is this style called something specific?

And Mandi found this cute wooden egg dish for me. It's a nice heavy wood and will be so cute with my other dish on the table at Easter full of colorful eggs.
And oh my friends, there is more. But I won't make you picture crazy today. And also on deck . . . I received some great mail today from Jen, Shara and Wendy plus my order from One Hundred Wishes. I love happy mail days.
Until tomorrow . . .
Ohhh the bedspread was a great find and a super deal! Love it!
Oh man, do not cut up the chenille. Put the scissors down.
I actually just thrifted a very similar cloth in the pink colorway. Generally they are just called novelty prints, and I think that version is late 60's.
Sounds like a great and fruitful weekend.
Tell your BIL "Go Horns!" for me. :)
Cheers! LA
Step AWAY from the scissors! I'm going with Sarah on this one -- don't cut the poor thing up -- it's survived well for this long! Love that pic of you -- too cute! Can't wait to see your other goodies.
Great finds, especially the chenille. It's perfect? Oh, don't cut it up! Love your blog! Barbara at oodles and oodles
I agree with everyone else, the chenille is beautiful! Sounds like a great weekend! Stay warm...
Score on that chenille! I have one similar and it is one of my all-time favorite things. Don't cut it up! There are enough out there that truly are "cutters" that you can save the pretty ones. :)
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